
A distress call from Lt. Noonien-Singh compels Spock to disobey orders and take the USS Enterprise and its crew into disputed space, risking renewed hostilities with the Klingons in a bid to aid their shipmate.

Written by Henry Alonso Myers & Akiva Goldsman

Directed by Chris Fisher

A note about episode discussions on startrek.website

Right now, the plan is to post the /c/startrek discussion when the episode drops on Thursdays. Once the global community has had some time to watch and digest what they’ve seen, the /c/daystrominstitute discussion will go live on Sundays for a more in-depth analysis. This is subject to change as we evaluate what works best for the community as a whole.

  • Limeade@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Stopping to discuss his departure line in the middle of stealing the ship was so cringy and immersion breaking for me. “I want to go” also seems very illogical for a Vulcan to use as a command. Wants are irrelevant, what are your orders? Wants don’t always align with needs.

    Drugs turning a doctor and nurse into super fighters that can easily take out masses of Klingons seems a bit over the top and not like a great message to send. Sometimes fights are unavoidable, but the best self preservation is to find ways to sneak around and gain an advantage in numbers and location (pluck one person off away from the group or set up a bottleneck, incapacitate with environment controls or drugs), not hope you can overpower a dozen or more larger enemies in hand to hand combat when you’ve only got two people. More contact means more risk of injuries, surely there’s no such thing as an immunity serum that prevents all injury.

    I am curious to see if they touch more on the war trauma because that is an interesting story itself. It was shoehorned in awkwardly here, but I’d like to see it explored more.

    I’m not loving the new engineer, her personality is a bit grating for me and I don’t see why you’d be allowed to transfer from a teaching position to working on the ship you just helped steal. It’s one thing to not want to replace an entire ship’s crew after an incident, it’s another to reward non-crew for misbehavior with a choice assignment to the ship. She also has such a weird way of introducing herself to her friend’s son. I don’t get it.