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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I was building up some packer stuff. Vsphere-iso plug-in. Tests were going fine and then for reasons I didn’t understand it said it could no longer find the cd creation tool it has just been using.

    So I try a few things, nothing works. So I figure I have nothing to lose, I make a new folder to house all the tools in one place. Update Windows system environment path. Restart everything. VScode didn’t have my path statement, Google is of 0 fucking help, and now packer doesn’t work. I least it’s the weekend now.

  • Depends. If it’s like SG-1 and Atlantis I’m 100% on board. If it’s more in line with SGU… it’s more like 60% on board. I felt like SGU could have been way better, but several story plots got rushed and abandoned and certain plot points got pushed hard that were really… uninteresting IMO. But the show overall kind of… made the mistake when they introduced a lot of space ships and sort started losing it’s identity. Like the stargates were just faster to get around in but no longer needed for most things.

    I’ve had an idea in my head for a while, like some new scientist who’s been working off of Carter and McKay’s work has made a discovery that the gate goes to a lot more gates than they thought. Re-makes the DHD Carter made with the new research and better tech creating a “Master Gate” or “Master DHD” (basically a gate that has the training wheels removed, IE Ancient ‘Admin’ access mode) and the gate now travels to a whole separate gate systems that no one new about before. Leading to meeting up with certain species that were only seen like once like Oannes, to find that Nem wasn’t the lone survivor of the species but was stuck and was the last survivor of the expedition. A true Nox home world (suggesting the planet we see them on was just a settlement/outpost/etc) and even the much anticipated Furlings can be found.

  • For now. My guess is it’ll be DS9 for all of this quarter. It’s already gone through all of DS9 once so far. It just restarted this morning. Then I assume next quarter and I’ll switch back to Voyager. I think that’s what they’re doing with the other Star Trek channel as well bouncing between the original series and next generation.

    Because when it cut over from Voyager to DS9 it wasn’t at the end of Voyager. It was up to the episode where they find the ship with the neural interface that sort of takes over Tom. And then immediately following that was the first episode of DS9, and that was January 1st. It was 2:00 a.m. my time but midnight Pacific Coast.