I got the JetBrainsMonon Nerdfont. It was annorphan process of tmux still running after all configs and tmux itself was uninstalled.
I got the JetBrainsMonon Nerdfont. It was annorphan process of tmux still running after all configs and tmux itself was uninstalled.
That was actually a good tip!
Yeah I could try that, I just try to stick to one source if possible. I’ll give it a try if no other solution come up.
It’s not about switching, it’s about hosting our services on different platforms at the same time.
It’s perfectly fine for some private page etc. but when you make business software for customers that require 99,9% uptime with severe contractual penalties it’s probably too wonky.
We got our own platform based on kubernetes and cncf stuff and we don’t have to care anymore about the metal underneath. AWS? OTC? Azure? Thats just a target parameter, platform does the rest. It’s great.
When you handle all your errs the same way, I’d say you’re doing something wrong. You can build some pretty strong err trace wrapping errs. I also think it’s more readable than the average try catch block.
It was exactly that. The stupid thing is: I usually shut down my Mac at the end of my workday and on the next day and start everything I need via script and always got funny looks from my co-workers because “you can just close it and keep it running” so I tried it a few days and honestly did not think about restarting because it would have been a fresh start before.
But now I know there’s a tmux server running that I can kill when problems occur and I won’t need to reboot Everytime tmux starts acting funny. So at least I learned from being dumb and not thinking about basic trouble shooting steps…