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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • It makes us all look stupid and hateful.

    I’d argue that it does a lot more than make people just look hateful. Plenty of assholes out there using progressive causes as justification and shielding for their poor behavior.

    The dev could have avoided this easily by merging the original PR and moving on with their life, but there is negative reason for the dogpiling that occurred. It’s open fucking source. Fork it and make your own inclusive competitor.

    The behavior of the community around this is reprehensible, and is the perfect ammunition for opportunists looking to draw people into right wing radicalism. “Look at what they did to someone for using he instead of they! Imagine what will happen if we let these people have any real power?”

  • Same, but surely you realize that ads have only gotten worse in the intervening time. I also don’t truly believe that we’ll ever reach critical mass on adblocker users. You’re asking people who don’t care, who don’t use the internet the same way we do, to suddenly care enough to take manual action outside of their knowledgebase amd comfort zone.

    The only way the adblocker user numbers get pumped up to critical mass for a change is if a popular default browser makes adblocking an opt-out default.

  • As well as predatory/not, there’s also a trend with attention grabbing/not.

    There was a period of time where Google AdWords ruled the online ad space, and most ads were pure text in a box with a border making the border between content and ads visually distinct.

    Kind of like having small portions of the newspaper classified section cut out and slapped around the webpage.

    I still disliked them, but they were fairly easy to look past, and you didn’t have to worry about the ad itself carrying a malware payload (just whatever they linked to).

    Companies found that those style ads get less clickthrough than flashier ones, and that there’s no quantifiable incentive to not make their ads as obnoxious as possible. So they optimized for the wrong metric: clickthrough vs sales by ad.

    More recently, companies have stepped up their tracking game so they can target sales by ad more effectively, but old habits die hard, and predatory ads that just want you to click have no incentive to care and “de-escalate” the obnoxiousness.

  • Just like the “tesla hyperloop” or whatever they’re calling it, it’s not about innovation. It’s about keeping his brands in the public eye as a form of marketing. Even if on a logical level we all know it’s horseshit, it still keeps himself and Tesla salient.

    He can afford to burn an incomprehensible amount of money on stunts for outcomes most people would consider inconsequential.

    I’m not saying it’s 4D chess, it definitely isn’t. He’s not particularly intelligent in that way. That said, I do think there are some very simple reasons for him to do this that go beyond his absolutely insane delusional ego.

    He has enough money that he can continue funding whatever he wants regardless of public opinion. He literally exists at a level where any press is good press as it keeps him fresh in peoples’ minds.

  • That’s absolutely acceptable. Don’t fix what ain’t broke.

    But please don’t publicly post a joke/rant about how your only option to accomplish something was through absurd hacky workarounds, when the issue is that you refused to learn the tools you have.

    What we have here is the slightly more tech literate version of printing out a Word Doc so you can re-arrange, remove, and add pages physically before scanning it back in as a PDF to email someone, then complaining about it being so difficult, rather than just using one of the many many print to PDF and PDF editing/splicing tools.

  • All of those inputs would likely be much better built into the ps1 file. PowerShell is meant as a sucessor to vbscript which was meant as a successor to windows batch.

    Selecting options? Make them parameters that you just set when calling the script: ./build.ps1 -Arch 64 -CompressSplines

    Needing someone to manually confirm something completed? Add a while loop to wait 5 seconds while whatever spawned process is still running.


    Also, you can have multiple terminals open in VSCode.

    You’ve not listed any requirements that aren’t more easily solved with existing features in the tools you’ve listed. Learn the tools your work expects you to use before you start blaming them for shit.

  • Sounds like your IT team messed up the setup. In their defense, Microsoft doesn’t make it easy to set it up well.

    A “good” setup hides all this shit from the end user. All your “library” folders (Documents, Desktop, Pictures, etc) can be invisibly made into OneDrive folders. Still save your shit where you normally do, navigate in the file manager like you normally do, no lag for changes you do locally to show locally, minor lag (like 1-2 minutes) for changes to propagate to OneDrive itself (and other machines you are currently logged into). Just now everything is backed up to the cloud.

  • I’m probably a freak, but I can’t stand working on something complex, being pulled away from it for a week or two, and not being able to pick things back up because it’s not documented well. Especially when I’m the only person to blame.

    I also make scripts and programs with the goal to hand them off when I’m done. I’ve got more than enough to keep me busy at work without having to be the only person able to support my projects forevermore. Ultimately I’m still the go to, but I never want to be so critical that I can’t take time off, or that I’m effectively on call 24/7. I want the credit, but the whole point is to reduce responsibility by making shit more efficient and easy.

  • Still hurts, but sometimes it’s the only option.

    If you’re trying to confirm things like account existence/deletion, there’s often no “account exists” function to return true or false. You just have to figure out the specific exception thrown and catch that specific one.

    The worst are libraries that don’t give specific exceptions, so you have to catch all exceptions then do extra work to tell what the specific situation is. Does the account not exist, or is the system unreachable?