Ill probably have lost interest by then, rocksteady. Other games will have come out finished by then that Ill be busy with.
Ill probably have lost interest by then, rocksteady. Other games will have come out finished by then that Ill be busy with.
And a steam page, that still advertises it as an mmo
TIL repeating the definition of capitalism is blaming capitalism
Thats an odd lie, as youve already stated that you do not value art paid for on spotify if it isnt popular enough.
People have spent money on this art, that spotify is now refusing to pay for. You have repeatedly stated you think that money isnt deserved, despite being paid.
Why are you changing the story now?
I now completely understand how artists get ripped off.
Youre almost gleeful in it. You sound damn near excited not to be paid for your work. Its like you think your work isnt worth the money.
Is it, like. A fetish thing? Some domination kink?
Damn, dude, you are insanely self obsessed, huh?
I dont have any content on spotify, but thats neither relevant nor the point.
This isnt immoral or wrong because it is negative for me, directly and specifically. Its not okay to rip off artists until Im the one ripped off. Its wrong to do to anyone.
Did they stop teaching that in schools, or something? What brain rot is this? Do you stand by and twiddle thumbs when you see someones purse get nabbed? Do you cheer, cause the theif got a windfall?
Cool story bro, it has nothing to do with spotify ripping off artists.
Good for you that youre okay with being ripped off by spotify? I guess? But we arent talking about what immoral actions you are willing to ignore to further your potential career.
People are willingly paying spotify either monthly or via ads to listen to these artists. They have paid for the art. Spotify doesnt want to give the earned cut. Your willingness to give up your fair share in the hopes of future recognition is a personal decision, but that doesnt make it right. It just means you, personally, arent willing to fight off the boot on your chest.
Which is the mentality spotify is counting on to get away with ripping off you and everyone else who cant afford lawyers.
That cost is paid 100000000000000x over from the other artists they are underpaying. If this was really such an issue of cost, and not penny pinching, they would have a filter for content that isnt played enough and remove it from the service.
Why dont they? Because they cost is almost nil, its covered a thousand times over by the money gained from the platform, and they just want to keep more cash from the people they know cant fight back.
His point doesnt apply to spotify. They arent a struggling indie service trying to cover server costs. Massive super star artists frequently complain about penny pinching from spotify. Theyre just greedy.
“Its a sliding scale, we want your content but we dont want to pay you for it, so if we think youre not popular enough to take us to court over this we are sliding the scale of how much we pay you for the content to zero”
You sound like an evil cartoon robin hood villain, do you get that? Are you floating about in chains and a nightgown, in preperation for scaring jeff bezos this christmas eve?
“Nah its like youtube bro, the other super evil and morally bankrupt company!” Thats not a defense, why are you saying that like its a defense
Except thats incorrect. Spotify is a store, asking musicians to give them the rights to sell their songs as a package deal in exchange for a cut based on popularity. All music gets ads. There is no “low popularity ad free” section.
And now you, and spotify, are saying “yeah I know we agreed to pay you based on how many customers came in here for your stuff, but I think what you rightfully and legally earned is chump change, so I wont be giving it to you.”
You are advocating scamming people because you, personally, think the money owed is a pittance. Thats an evil, black hearted mentality.
I dunno, I feel like its not that big of a deal to not pay spotify $15 a month
Well thank god you arent in charge of any company worth a damn, you little scammer
Lol thats a lunatics take. You absolutely can be expected to pay every person who gives you content to farm users off of.
Imagine applying your take to any other business. “Sorry john, I loved the soap, but you only have 4 people a week asking about you, so Im going to be keeping it for free.”
“Love the scarf, really, but you only sold what, 25 this year? 50? Nah, Im just going to keep this. Let me now when you shift real sales, maybe then you will deserve being paid.”
Nah dude thats lunacy
But, again, not a video? You click on the post link, which opens the post and comments. The title says nothing about video either. I didnt know it was a video until after opening the post.
People who are using a text site, who want to engage with your posts title’s implied topic of discussion, are just a bit expecting the text site to have more text to read.
Kinda hard to engage with a video you cant watch, when the post implied a topic of discussion you wanted to read about, no?
I dunno man youre just acting real shocked and surprised that the people at the chinese restaurant expected noodles and rice, and are giving you side eyes for offering them street tacos. Im not saying the tacos arent good tacos.
You tend to find text based site users wish they werent?
Is it? Its a pretty common forum comment, saying that they have no interest or capability to watch or listen to a video, and would rather the info was written down so they could read it.
This is a normal request from digg, from reddit, here on lemmy, all over niche hobby forums…
Text based website users usually want text based content. Not really weird.
This is a lemmy post, with a link to a video. The comment is not on any video.
You could tell me the name of the english teacher who failed you? I guess?
“…is hardly any different as far as Im concerned”
Its highlighted in green in the pic for you bud
Scam? Its fucking red, right there in the image!
Only thing mildly infuriating here is that op posted this