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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Why? Does 95% of digital advertisement even serve a single valuable purpose?

    I get that websites need funding and that legitimate business require some way communicate their services exist. We need to solve the problem for the former and create specialized accessible safe spaces for the later.

    When is the last time anyone here saw an ad for a local business, when is the last time anyone recall willfully clicking one? Was there actually anything useful there?

    From what i recall ads almost always are one of the following:

    • sex, barely legal drugs and predatory video games. (Lumped together to make a bad pun)

    • real product/fake price: oh this item isnt in stock plz look at catalog

    • politics, buy our guide to get rich, actual illegal scam operation.

    None of them are honest or respectful to the customer. People aren’t prey, stop baiting.

    Admittedly, for me this is personal. Autism means i experience the extra noise as painful. Plastering it on useful websites feels like a hostile attack to keep me out and unwelcome. I downright refuse to look at watch nor will i support them through ad free subscriptions to the point of it having become a digital disability.

    But come on, can we smart online people really not figure out something else that isn’t based on literal brainwashing.

  • Well you could always just use the proper name. The cc license in question IS anti commercial. A great deal of ai is opens source and non commercial and to those cc is fair game. But if commercial is where you draw the line then envoking this license may do.

    This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)

    Calling it “anti-ai” when its not removes power from your argument. Your invoking something that does not exit and linking to something seemingly unrelated.

    Now the bigger question i have, have had since i have seen people do this.

    Why is there still not an actual anti-ai license? Seems obvious that there is a need for it? I dont know much about how licenses are created but it strikes me as odd.

  • I had no idea and i thought i was relatively up to date with new gen technology. I thought the foldable phones that came out where more an experimental proof of concept of the first instance of such technology but not that whole flexible panels where possible.

    Even just the fact an oled display can be this thin is completely new to me.

  • Unintentional Strawman misses the point.

    A economy is but a subsystem to serve an organized society.

    Not every society requires a economy, there are many ways to organize, the original foundational ideas go back to ancient greece. Read up about them.

    The people with wealth and power have all the insensitive to keep things as they are. They own the planets resources, the means of productions. They loby or laws.

    To think were waiting on one person to have “a better idea” for things to change is incredibly naive.

    I don’t know how the system will change how the next one will look but the current one is mathematically not sustainable for another century.

  • I wonder if were gonna start seeing modular specialized game drivers to save space and work.

    We already have shared libraries for gamepad controlles and such. Why not one that handles a large language model , one for raytraced light. Maybe even an image generator for patterns in creative building games.

    These would need to be standardized and able to be further molded, processed , restricted by the actual games.

    Obvious the Triple Ass studios will want you to pay for online services but I legitimately believe there is a future for open source gaming and this could potentially save allot of hair pulling for some nonprofit indie devs.