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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Thank you. Now, insofar as it concerns apostrophes (he said pedantically), couldn’t it be argued that the tools we have at our immediate disposal for making ourselves understood through text are simply inadequate to express the depth of a thought? And wouldn’t it therefore be more appropriate to condemn the lack of tools rather than the person using them creatively, despite their simplicity? At what point do we cast off the blinders and leave the guardrails behind? Or shall we always bow our heads to the wicked chroniclers who have made unwitting fools of us all; and for what? Evolving our language? Our birthright?

    No, I say! We have surged free of the feeble chains of the Oxfords and Websters of the world, and no guardrail can contain us! Let go your clutching minds of the anchors of tradition and spread your wings! Fly, I say! Fly and conformn’t!

    I relinquish the pedant stick.

  • I think so. I get the same sort of articles pushed on me in my news feed, like “How this 20 year old’s side hustle allowed her to buy a house with cash!” It feels sometimes like a narrative being pushed by media conglomerates to keep people hopeful or to sway public opinion, but I assume the actual answer is that those articles generate a reliable number of clicks and therefore revenue.

    So yeah, it’s infuriating to consider that people are being manipulated like that, but in most cases it doesn’t really affect me, so my fury stays at a mild level.

    It sounds like you think this shouldn’t be here, but do you think it’s not worth talking about or that we should all be more than mildly infuriated?