• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • tetris11@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlOld timers know
    15 days ago

    This interface is laughably terrible. For one, everything should be tabs: you should drag files from one tab to another completely blind. For another, I can see the scrollbars which is just bad. Further, there should be a giant ad at the header/footer which shills bitcoin. Finally, the password field shouldn’t be obscured but synced to our online Safe™ for easy retrieval at just 12.99 a month.

    We’ve sure come a long way since those primitive days…

  • Cartoons back then were a little bit sambo so to speak, but the intent wasn’t strictly malicious, just uninformed.

    You use the words/concepts you know to express something to an audience. If society tells you that native Americans wear headdresses, then you will likely add a headdress when introducing a new native american character, not neccesarily realising the damage of the stereotype behind it.

  • Ah I see what you mean by tiling. Still, such a setup feels… excessive, no? I can completely understand that you literally never need to pull up anything since it’s all just there, but I dunno (I’m reaching here) doesn’t your machine get hot from all the displays and forcing all screens to do constant screen updates?

    It just seems unneccesary to me (like I said, I’m judgemental on this front). When you have to travel, you can’t take all that with you – so working on a laptop at the airport must be incredibly frustrating if you’re used to things just being there, no?

    Did you seriously set up awesome as a floating window manager?

    Haha, yes, the other layouts are wasted on me. Ideally a dwm desktop would suit me fine, but I enjoy the Lua extensibility.

  • tetris11@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlResponsive Design Go Brrrr
    2 months ago

    Alt-tab was my very last use-case because I literally have bindings to pull up my main programs.

    As someone who has gone from tiling(i3), to floating (stump), to tiling again (i3/sway), and finally back to floating (awesome) - I can say floating wins in terms of predictability. You press a button to focus on your desired window and your entire desktop does not need to convulse to accommodate for it.

    Floating window managers win on speed and predictability, and I’m wondering now if this is causing the rift in single/multi monitors in this discussion chain.

  • tetris11@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlResponsive Design Go Brrrr
    2 months ago

    On Linux, using AwesomeWM bindings:

    • Caps+E, pull up emacs
    • Caps+D, pull up IDE
    • Caps+Q, pull up browser (repeated calls pull up different windows)
    • Caps+Y, pull up terminal
    • Caps+Down, split the last two called windows side by side
    • Caps+Down, undo the split
    • Caps+Up, maximize the current window

    I have many more bindings, but these are the main ones and probably the only one’s I will ever need

    If I need to do something concurrently I will split my focus between two tasks and no more.

    If I need to edit a UI with code, I do Caps+E, do my edit, then Caps+D and refresh the UI.

    I’m literally a finger away from everything, and my head does not need to move from center.