Professional software engineer, musician, gamer, stoic, democratic socialist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Agreed.

    And sometimes code is not the right medium for communicating domain knowledge. For example, if you are writing code the does some geometric calculations, with lot of trigonometry, etc. Even with clear variable names, it can be hard to decipher without a generous comment or splitting it up into functions with verbose names. Sometimes you really just want a picture of what’s happening, in SVG format, embedded into the function documentation HTML.

  • There are plenty of good resources online. Here are some topics you probably wouldn’t see in an intro algos course (which I’ve actually used in my career). And I highly recommend finding the motivation for each of these in application rather than just learning them abstractly.

    • bloom filter
    • btree
    • b+ tree
    • consensus algos (PAXOS, RAFT, VSR, etc)
    • error correction codes (Hamming, Reed Solomon, etc)
    • garbage collection (mark+sweep, generational, etc)
    • generational arena allocator
    • lease (i.e. distributed lock)
    • log-structured merge trees
    • min-cost + max-flow
    • request caching and coalescing
    • reservoir sampling
    • spatial partition (BVH, kd-tree, etc)
    • trie
    • write-ahead log

  • I’m not in the market, but I’ve actually had similar thoughts of building a project on top of NixOS that’s focused on self-hosting for homes and small businesses. I recently deployed my own router/server on a BeeLink mini PC and instead of using something like OpenWRT, I used NixOS, systemd-networkd, nftables, etc.

    DM me if you want to discuss more. I think the idea has potential and I might be interested in helping if you can get the business model right (even if it just ends up being some FOSS thing).

  • Yea I agree. Good UX is a lot of work, and I think FOSS projects rarely prioritize it. Even good documentation is hard to come by. When you write software for your own use case, it’s easy to cut UX corners, because you don’t need your hand held.

    And good UX for a programmer might be completely different from good UX for someone that only knows how to use GUIs. E.g. NixOS has amazing UX for programmers, but the code-illiterate would be completely lost.

    I believe that the solution is “progressive disclosure”, and it requires a lot of effort. You basically need every interface to have both the “handholding GUI” and the underlying “poweruser config,” and there needs to be a seamless transition between the two.

    I actually think we could have an amazing Linux distro for both “normies” and powerusers if this type of UX were the primary focus of developers.

  • Well I guess I can give my opinion as a former VSCode and Vim user that migrated to Helix. @[email protected] was curious too.

    Way back when, I used Sublime Text and got proficient with those keyboard shortcuts. Then VSCode eclipsed (pun unintended) Sublime, so I switched and I was thankfully able to keep using Sublime key bindings. I was also productive with VSCode, except it wasn’t popular at the company I was working at, where most people used Vim. I ended up learning a bit of Vim for pair programming, but I still clinged to VSCode, even though it lacked proper support for connecting to a VM via SSH (which was a very common workflow).

    At some point I realized that it was important to have a totally keyboard-centric workflow to level up my productivity and ergonomics, and being able to use a mouse in VSCode was hindering my progress. So I tried NeoVim, and it was kind of a nightmare. I know many people enjoy tinkering with Lua to get NeoVim working as they want, but I found it more of a barrier to productivity than anything else.

    So then I learned about Helix, and it seemed like a love letter to devs that just want a modal in-terminal editor that works out of the box and has modern features like LSP support, DAP, etc. Also it’s written in Rust by good maintainers. I haven’t looked back, because the Helix + Tmux combo is incredibly versatile.

  • Gleam is cool. I wrote some services with it to see if I wanted to use it for more projects. It seemed like a good option because it would be easy to teach.

    Things I like:

    • fast build times (I only tested small apps though, under 2000 LOC)
    • strong static types
    • runs on the BEAM
    • easy to learn
    • pattern matching
    • immutable + structural sharing
    • currying (with parameter holes)

    Things I don’t like:

    • no re-exports
    • it’s possible to have name collisions between packages; authors have a gentleman’s agreement to always create a top-level module with the same name as the package
    • some standard library APIs seem missing or immature (it’s still pre-1.0)
    • it can be hard to get good performance out of idiomatic code for specific tasks (see immutability)
    • no format strings; best you can do is "Hello, " <> name. It starts to get cumbersome
    • parsing/serialization is all quite manual boilerplate; there’s nothing quite like serde
    • no field/argument punning
    • no method syntax; you just have to scan the docs to figure out what functions can be used with a given type
    • you can’t define the same variant name twice in the same module; I believe this is a limitation in how the types are translated to Erlang records
    • you can’t call functions in pattern matching if guards
    • you can’t have dependency cycles between modules in the same package
    • hard to write FFI correctly; you lose all the comfort of types