This one too: _____________
This one too: _____________
I guarantee your system is less secure than the worst password manager. Humans are inherently bad at choosing passwords, or anything to do with randomness really.
Please clarify what you mean because your comment is giving me these vibes.
Most websites don’t allow multiple failed logins and, even if they did, the network latency alone would make brute force attacks useless. The point of having a high entropy password is to protect against hackers brute forcing a leaked database of hashes. Having different passwords for every website also protects against this so, as usual, the answer is “just use a password manager”.
I guess it wouldn’t make sense to measure energy used by gas-powered appliances in Wh since they’re not rated in Watts. Still, measuring volume and then converting to energy seems unnecessarily complicated.
Joules (J) are the official unit of energy. 1W=1J/s. That means 1Wh=3600J or that 1J is kinda like “1 Watt second”. You’re right that Wh is easier since everything is rated in Watts and it would be insane to measure energy consumption by seconds. Imagine getting your electric bill and it says you’ve used 3,157,200,000J.
I ate sushi today.
My previous bank forced 8 characters with only numbers and letters.