• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I wonder what they consider oversharing. Where exactly is that line?

    The first article will require parents to officially declare the use of their children’s image online to the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority (AGCOM). If a direct profit is gained from these activities, parents will have to transfer the money to a bank account in the child’s name, which will be accessible to the child after they turn 18 years old.

    Interesting because I think most family channels do it for money now, though as part of a college fund may work. If you have multiple kids and parents in a video how will it be divied up?

  • You are confusing direct payment and general revenue/fees from which the store pays employees. You are correct Handling fee is not directly transferred to the employee. Handling fee is revenue collected by the store. Now that they have a big pool of revenue, they pay their employees from it (the minimum wage you referred to). Read that in context of the next two paragraphs.

    WRT cashiers and stockers that was part of the existing business model. The general profit from groceries covered those expenses.

    The general profit from groceries does not cover the expense of a different business model of hiring additional employees whose sole job would be to walk around filling orders. Those additional jobs require additional revenue, which the store gets from handling fee.

    The next question may be “why a Handling fee” instead of paying those employees from general profit from groceries. The answer is because online orders have a new direct cost, which the store wants to put on those customers that are creating that cost. That’s the short of it.

    Tipping is an entirely different part of this.

  • The bill creates three classifications of electric bicycles. Class 1 ebikes only provide assistance when a rider is actively pedaling and stops its motor when the bike reaches 20 mph. Class 2 ebikes can be propelled without pedaling and top out at 20 mph. And Class 3 ebikes require pedaling, come with a speedometer and top out at 28 mph.

    Levy initially proposed allowing anyone, regardless of age, to use a Class 1 electric bicycle and making it a traffic violation for a child younger than 16 to use a Class 2 or Class 3 ebike. But as passed by the House, the bill would ban ebikes for anyone younger than 16 who doesn’t have a driver’s license or permit. Anyone 16 or older can use any ebike.

    Hmmm. I think high school is when there might be a real need for an Ebike so I’d go with that age.

    What age can you get a driver’s license? Does a learners license count?