Somebody came up with the idea, implemented it, saw a jump in revenue, got a promotion or fat bonus, all to make our lives just a little crappier. Unfortunately, it’s that simple.
Somebody came up with the idea, implemented it, saw a jump in revenue, got a promotion or fat bonus, all to make our lives just a little crappier. Unfortunately, it’s that simple.
AOC and Ted Cruz got the same response, as did “who is $X”.
Hands flat, fingers spread, rub quickly hand-over-hand, but lightly!
Comments like this are valuable. I would not have read that but for your well written praise.
Jacked up the first SSD I ever bought. Windows 7 (I think?), NTFS. Defragged it out of habit, even though I knew better. Yep, ran much slower, and it was obvious.
That’s an awful lot of work and won’t be 100% effective. Get a burner.
Y’all would scream if you knew what it was like in the Philippines. This story wouldn’t rate a shoulder shrug, a 20-year gap is nothing and neither is 17. My wife is the only Filipino I know with a husband her age, rest are 20+ years younger than their husbands.
A 17-yo is a child and should have no choice over what she does with her body because she’s not mature enough. Oh WAIT! You guys didn’t mean it like that? Well, here’s your chance to practice talking out both sides of your mouth. Go.
In only 10 American states and the only European state is Turkey. I’m guessing the rest of the world makes it even lower, 14 in China for example.
Throw in an ad blocker like a Pi-hole. Life changing. FFS, $10 a month on AWS and you can spin a Lightsail instance, or roll your own on a toaster.
Perhaps you’re a bogon emitter like my wife?
Learn more here:
Charles Stross put it succinctly in The Atrocity Archives:
Idiots emit bogons, causing machinery to malfunction in their presence. System administrators absorb bogons, letting machinery work again.
This explains why computers suddenly start to work when help arrives. Becoming a bogon sink takes much suffering and practice. You’re already on the path.
I have one TV for my PC monitor and one for, well, TV. Both hardwired to the network, no external network access. Wrote a quick PS script to switch from one to the other or both, made it into an EXE with buttons, très chic. Everything streams off a crappy USB drive “RAID” array. OpenVPN server with Digital Ocean, hosted in Amsterdam, $6/month. DONE.
I’m not on some crusade against capitalism, I simply choose not to participate in bullshit like this.
People say stuff like that and I’m like, what’s the actual law? “It feels bad so it’s probably illegal.”
This particular brand of bullshit is so new I doubt there’s any legislation out there. Maybe an existing consumer protection law could be bent to fit?
LOL, you should be in a hurricane when word is out, “We’re not saving your ass, not matter what. Good luck and god bless.”
It’s fast enough in the drive thru. Notice how dining in has become worse in every way? Fuck me, you can’t even get your own salt and ketchup. They don’t want us hanging out because it costs them more.
It’s the GPU, almost certainly the solder joints. So how far are you willing to go?
You can pull the MB and bake it in an oven. Fixed a card or two that way, didn’t last very long. Damned fine line between too much and too little heat and time. Bon chance!
In related news, MBs can be pretty cheap on eBay.
I’m suing my sister right now because her low life boyfriend talked her into short changing us. Then my mom died so I’m getting double. Yeah. Family troubles indeed.
Love you! I’m all about dumpster diving, finding free shit, etc.
Coworker of mine used to go out with her husband, crack of dawn, twice a week. They’d pick of trash before the garbage truck arrived, have a garage sale every Saturday. Give away what ever didn’t go.
LMFAO, they would make $300-$400 every weekend! “Yeah, we pick up our neighbor’s trash and sell it back to them.”
In the 90s I had a paper route. Used to pick up vacuum cleaners on the curb. Cleaned with a new belt and bag? Done. I couldn’t keep any in stock. Nice beer money!
Another friend of mine picks up free washers and dryers. The parts are mostly the same and the shit’s free. He’d make $500-$800 a week flipping 'em on Marketplace. And this guy was already clocking $100K at his day job!
Learned about TSA eBay sales on reddit a few years ago. Bought a 50-pack of Swiss Army knives to restore for office stocking stuffers. Went from there.
OP didn’t say he littered. But of course we always assume the worst around here.
Yeah! Fuck you OP!
Rich people don’t pay for stupid shit like this, it’s how they stay rich.