The reflog is your friend in situations like that.
iOS Swift developer with an unhealthy amount of Android and Flutter thrown in. Cycling enthusiast. Admirer of TTRPGs, sometimes a player, often times a GM.
The reflog is your friend in situations like that.
It was originally meant as a better JavaScript and it was. It failed when none of the other browsers expressed interest in supporting it. It languished for a while and then was taken up by the Flutter team. At the time Flutter took it up it was somewhere around the level of Java 8 in features but not quite on par. Since then it’s seen some massive improvements to the type system and language. It’s completely null sound, not just null safe like Kotlin. It recently got records/tuples and one of the more capable pattern matching syntaxes I’ve ever seen in a functional imperative hybrid language. The next stable version of dart will introduce a compiler macro system that is very promising. The syntax isn’t always the prettiest due to it trying to not totally break old code. I do think that it offers a wide range of modern language features that competes heavily with Swift and Kotlin in the mobile space.
The only things JSON has over xml is that it’s easier to write a parser for it and the format is less verbose and less complicated. There are extensions to JSON that can add features that xml has and the JSON spec doesn’t have. Overall the xml spec is bigger and has more features but that also makes it overkill for many of the cases that it would be used in.
Claims top 5 and offers zero evidence and very little content beyond what an LLM might write.
Because ChatGPT thought that was a pro?
The logo is closer to do ith ub. It might summon an orcish demon patron if said with the right spell components.
People shouldn’t be down voting you just because they disagree and hate php. I’ve read that it has come along way in the last 10 years or so. People really like Laravel too. I wouldn’t put it on my list of recommendations personally but I get why someone might.
There is a school of thought that break and continue are just goto in disguise. It helps that these two are more limited in scope than goto and can be considered less evil. If you read the book Clean Code by Robert Martin (it should be required reading for all developers), you’ll see that he doesn’t like functions to be very long. I think his rule is no more than 4 lines. I try to keep mine around 10 or less with a hard stop at 20 unless it can’t be avoided because I’m switching over a large enum or something. If you put your loops into functions then you can just use return instead of break.
I did have a discussion with a teacher once about my use of early returns. This was when I had returned to school after many years as a professional programmer. I pointed out that my code has far less indentation than theirs and was simpler because of it and that it is common in the world outside of education. I got all of my points back he has deducted.
You’re going to hear some good and bad advice from your teachers. Once you have a job check out what the good developers are doing and just follow them.
Does the orange pi 5 also require active cooling? That’s one of my bigger hangouts about the RPi5.
I wish I could say that Google is better at that. It’s basically the same story but with even less humans to talk to when you’re flagged for doing something wrong or in the case of Google your former college roommate whom you haven’t seen in 10 years did something wrong. It’s the price all mobile devs pay unless they only want to distribute to a small subset of users who have liberated their phones.
A place I worked at actually did this to a person named Diane Cupps.
Story wise they didn’t leave much room for a sequel. It gets wrapped up nicely at the end. I didn’t play any of the DLC but the impression that I got was that a lot of possible sequel material was covered in them. The game was really good and definitely worth picking up on a sale price. It will give BotW vibes but don’t think of it as a clone. It’s got a good story and a nice little twist at the end. The boss fights were a joy if not painful at times. The puzzles were mostly good and not too obtuse. I think I had to use Google on a few of them. It is annoying with the extra clothing and style purchases that the game tries to get you to spend real money for. It tarnished an otherwise good game.
I think the responder means that duplicate code is usually easy to refactor into single methods. Typically I see copy pasted code that is changed just a little bit. However much of a duplicated function can be broken into smaller functions and the redundant code removed in favor of calling into the functions. Often what is left then becomes easier to reason about and refactor accordingly. I love the PRs that I make which delete more code than I add but still manage to add functionality. It doesn’t happen often but it’s fun when it does.