The show Mr. Robot did that, they used real 0-day exploits for their hacking scenes!
The show Mr. Robot did that, they used real 0-day exploits for their hacking scenes!
So much this.
People want more “real world usage” in college and school overall. Teach kids how to do taxes, teach engineers how to use X and Y software.
Well, in 10 years there’s a new software that does your taxes in another way, and plenty of laws have changed and there are new stuff to consider. And those software the engineers were taught, they are obsolete.
That’s why focus should be on getting people to a place where they themselves can acquire the skills needed to do those things by themselves.
Ridiculous. My alt has already become my main due to the outages. Now I’m never going back.
That’s what it want you to think of course!
Not so sure it’s the moderation. More so the backlash that comes with it. The sort of backlash that ends with legislation.
Only service where I’ve done the region thing. Paying 15 kr a month because I signed up through Argentina.