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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • TNG was close to having a transgender episode, “The Outcast”, but they were stuck in their time and didn’t really make any kind of statement.

    TOS made several comments on religion and running into powerful beings. In particular “Who Mourns for Adonais?”, which would’ve been a great take if not for Kirk saying “Mankind has no need for gods. We find the one quite adequate”.

  • One thing we didn’t need more of was Michael. Which also made what could’ve been a normal pregnancy into something outright stupid.

    The general idea is fine, turning Wraith into people they could work with. And it going wrong is fine too, but they didn’t build anything with it. They even used the Michael plot to attempt to undo a mistake they shouldn’t have, because it was too late.

  • But that was just a few million years ago. We have common ancestors with other apes older than that, and are related to all other life on the planet evolving across hundreds of millions of years (multicellular life). And even if you picked up an ape to somehow genetically engineer it to look identical to life with a completely different biological history, the evolutionary pressures for that species from that point on are all from the environment it exists within.

  • One thing Stargate didn’t have enough of, was truly alien aliens. The Milky Way Replicators were the closest thing. The Goa’uld were just appearing as people, the Ancients were probably humans from the future (because the identical evolution hypothesis makes no sense), the Nox were hippy Ancients and not seen much anyway. The Wraith might’ve been the most numerous alien organism, but apparently they were also a byproduct of a human-like species.

    Potentially everyone except the Asgard and that anti-terraforming civilization were derived from life on Earth. Edit: Also one or two in Universe, who I wish had had more screen time.

  • I would’ve liked to see them do more with the Tok’ra and humans volunteering, after Jacob (who didn’t really have much time to consider it), to show that the Tok’ra really are who they claim they are. Or, that they’re not and make that more of a story, because with how they were using Tanith’s host, they didn’t seem to care that much about humans.

    Also would’ve liked to see the Asgard get more involved in de-snaking people, and maybe that could’ve led to a confrontation between the Asgard and the Tok’ra.