…just this guy, you know.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2023


  • exactly. I have been begging multiple ISPs for direct IPv6 allocations for 10+ years now. its always “we are internally testing - not available for distribution yet”. the most recent request from me was less than 3 months ago when I needed a IPv4 /29 for a remote site. figured I would see if I could also get a nice sized IPv6 allocation as well. nope. just gotta keep paying a premium for that dwindling IPv4 address space.

    Hurricane Electric is to be commended for their public IPv6 tunnels, but without direct allocations from your immediate upstream, its just play.

  • lag bolts into shields into concrete may be secure if its done really carefully. it still leaves possible issues with the frame integrity - there are quite a few low quality frames and cabinets out there and mechanical stress on those vertical rails and all of the connection points in-between when equipment is extended on rails is no joke.

    I am used to datacentre grade mounting gear (even in my home lab), so I am a bit spoiled. however… take a look at Rack Solutions for harder-to-find quality mounts, rails and adapters. a source for excellent quality steel open racks/frames and enclosures is x-mark (now owned by belden). thats the stuff I use for myself.

    edit: as was mentioned in another comment, OEM rails are almost always your best bet, however high quality 4-post sliding shelves have saved my butt on ocassion. Rack Solutions also offers those.

  • thanks for the excellent reply. will check out all of your links.

    I do like built-in light weight threading, so Go is still on the to-play-with list and I am currently tracking a few Go projects to get my feet wet.

    you have given me options and impetus to get out of my decades long rut and, honestly, that is the best gift any programmer can give to another. thank you, friend.

  • thanks for the reply. C++ never really clicked for me. I started out decades ago with C and enjoyed living on the edge with older hardware and OSes - when neither the OS nor the hardware will defend itself from an application, things get real fun, real fast.

    as PC hardware matured, python filled in the safety spaces when needed and I eventually just used python with C bindings to balance speed and safety as needed for any particular project.

    I have never seriously looked at ada, but your comment piqued my interest, so I may just play with it for a bit. Go… what can I say about Go… like C++ its just feels “odd” to me. cant really explain why, perhaps it just feels too… “google”?

    I am going to be taking some time to really try groking Rust over the next 6 months… from what I have seen so far, Rust is the language that I wanted C++ to be so many years ago… fills in many more gaps and gives an expansive playground for various types of projects - many of the benefits of python-like and C-like languages in a nice, unified space.

    would love to get your thoughts on that if you have time.

  • if you are able to run a public web server, then certificate issuance via certbot http challenge works pretty well. the web server can serve a really simple static page with little to nothing on it - but of course its another potential vector into your network.

    if your public domain DNS makes use of a supported dns provider or you run your own publically accessible dns server, then dns certbot challenges are great and more flexible than http.

    others may suggest neat work arounds for the http challenge issue, but if you have access to a supported dns service I would look at that option. certbot has helpers for quite a few public services as well as support for self hosted dns servers. I run my own public dns servers, so thats the option I chose and use certbot hooks, cron and bash scripts to rsync the updated carts to the propr hosts for the various services I run privately and publicly.