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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • This is actually one thing I’ve been thinking AI and deepfake tech can potentially do good. Let’s say you have an idea and can code… You have an idea for music but no instrumental talent, so the best you can do is hum it. You can’t afford voice actors or other professionals.

    Or maybe you’re artist with an idea who can storyboard but not code. Maybe you can make 2d designs but not 3D models, or aren’t great at animate.

    But… there is software that can take what you say and change it to a different voice. It can animate a model to match the words. Similarly, software that could generate instrumental sounds from humming is possible. An AI can generate interactive dialog. It could also provide assistance in the generation of music, debugging of code, and eventually more advanced 3D modeling.

    A lot of game design software is much more a GUI to an environment/model and triggers etc than stuff like writing hardcore backend C++ code etc. AI could take that even further.

    Then add VR. Drop somebody into a blank-slate where they can create a whole world with a word, a gesture, and a great idea.

    One day, that might be a reality.

  • phx@lemmy.catoTechnology@lemmy.mlethinically ambigaus
    7 months ago

    Any training data almost certainly has biases. For awhile, if you asked for pictures of people eating waffles or fried chicken they’d very likely be black.

    Most of the pictures I tried of kid-type characters were blue eyed.

    Then people review the output and say "hey this might still racist, so they tweak things to “diversity” the output. This is likely the result of that, where they’ve “fixed” one “problem” and created another.

    Behold, Homer in brownface. D’oh!

  • Yeah I had similar issues. My old laptop (back venue I swore off HP, and one of the contributing reasons) had an issue where if you loaded an app and it needed memory that spanned both RAM chips… it would power cycle. Most users at the time reported the issue using Photoshop at the time so HP released a patch… that fixed it for Photoshop.

    The actual issue lay in the Northbridge of he laptop and was a defect. HP refused to refund the laptop even though it was fairly early within the warranty period. Best I could do was run with one - slightly larger - stick of RAM than what the thing shipped with.

  • phx@lemmy.catoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldBlack friday
    7 months ago

    Amazon’s trick seems to be to offer products at a certain price, but often with i.e. a $60 off “coupon” or whatever. Then when Black Friday rolls around, it’s the regular price, no coupon, but with “20% off Black Friday sale” (which may or may not actually be less than $60 off)

  • Given a rant like this I wouldn’t be trusting his code. Admin access to a backend and ability to write to the underlying filesystem+configs are two different layers. Yeah in many cases they may be the same admin, but not necessarily. It also means a compromised admin UI user can modify the underlying system to hide their tracks.

    It’s like saying it’s ok to have a hypervisor breakout because it requires you to have root in the underlying VM to exploit and only trusted admins have root…

  • I hope that in the future, AI tools like this can assist indie game devs, so somebody with the idea for a decent plot and gameplay can generate environments, some models, and voiced characters with a generative engine. These tools could also be a cool evolution for games that use generated worlds already: think Minecraft but less blocky.

    I fear that it will be used by big studios to supplant or replace human talent, leading to endless titles of same-same dreck without the spark of inspiration or uniqueness that a human developer, artist, or story-boarder can come up with.

    Or to paraphrase how somebody else put it: “We thought that computers would do the boring or unpleasant work so that humans could spend more time making art and expanding culture, instead the computers are making the art and we’re still doing the shit work”