Tianenmen Square isn’t political. It’s an event that happened.
Tianenmen Square isn’t political. It’s an event that happened.
I mean, the US is a third world country ruled by someone who is dumb about technology.
Ugh, I need to get off my ass and install a rack and some fiber drops to finalize my network buildout.
You can also get cron to do it.
Set up Home Assistant on a Pi or something for them. It can likely control everything from a central app
Yeah, I fill up a trash bag every time I go hiking
It’s just a case of under promise, over deliver
My hobby is designing smart home systems and building my own smart devices, as well as being a cyber security expert in my day job, so I’m actually a primary source.
Plus, don’t rely on strangers on the internet to spoon feed you sources. It’s pretty easy to do your own research (which is how I learned what I know. If I’m dubious of a claim, I research it myself, which is why I possess the wealth of knowledge I do.
But you can easily find the security risks posed by Tuya with light googling.
All of the cheap Chinese devices are Tuya, which is a Chinese company which iirc the CCP controls.
The only reason you should buy a Tuya device is if you’re going up flash it with an open source firmware.
Throw those bulbs away. They’re likely Tuya bulbs, and everything Tuya is a major security vulnerability. Worse than TikTok
Go with TP-Link. Their products work well, work with home kit, and work with things like home assistant. They’re also creating matter devices now.
Also, I’d recommend getting a smart light switch instead of a smart bulb since the Led controller in the bulb is what will fail first. But, I get that this isn’t an option for a lamp, or if your overhead light and fan are tied together.
For the lamp, a smart outlet would work, and for the fan you can probably rig up a Shelly relay at the fan so you don’t have to do a drop for the fan control cable (if it has that capability).
I remote into my work laptop too, but I don’t have any work data on my personal devices. And, my desktop is more secure than my work laptop.
In all of my IT jobs I would have been fired if I had signed into work accounts on my personal phone. It’s a pretty big security risk.
Lame, come back when it’s running doom
With vinegar or some other descaler
I don’t even getting an overview of what the meeting is going to be about. Sometimes I show up and I’m expected to be a SME on a project I’m only vaguely aware of, which is fun.
Otherwise fantastic company, though.
You’re supposed to have controls in place to prevent all of those concerns. I’m not saying passwords should be changed every 30 days, but 6 months is a long time.
But, companies with password expirations should be providing a password manager.
I didn’t realize updating IA-5 was part of rev5. We haven’t gotten to the IA family yet in our rev5 hardening yet.
You might want to let your IT department that 6 months is a really long time
Yeah, when you have the VPN running all of your external traffic should go through it. It starts to get complicated when you only want a specific container/user to use/bypass the VPN.
There’s usually more peasants than guards.