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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • I bought a used desktop with 4 SATA ports. Has i5 7th gen and currently 5 TB and an 500GB SSD and has max ram of 64GB. I guess the HDD are not included in the price?

    I’m not sure what your software requirements are but if you go the DIY route a desktop works. I made the BIOS auto turn on on power restored and have services start on startup so it gives the server feeling.

    Bonus is that you can use it as a gaming server and upgrade the components easily for a while depending on the motherboard.

  • Yeah, I 100% agree. For small projects most of the principles don’t matter as much because the complexity is just not there. For big projects you actually need to take a big ass tech debt loan to actually get things done on time and on budget.

    The testing aspect I’m not as sold on either. I enjoy tests sometimes but they also come with increased development and maintenance cost. He emphasises unit tests but I’ve found that a few integration tests that use API calls to simulate a use case gets you most of the way there.

    That being said I’ve seen raw HTML email string with hardcoded values in a 2000 line method that relies heavily on if statements. That one method probably breaks around 10 of his rules and I absolutely hate it. Very hard to add features to if you can imagine and incredibly noisy and hard to debug. Shouldn’t be like that but it is. I wouldn’t apply all of Bob’s rules but I would refactor it into a service with clear boundaries so I don’t have to deal with the function having “local globals” if you know what I’m getting at.

  • He wrote for example the books Clean Code and Clean Architecture which are IMO opinion really good books although I don’t agree with every point he makes.

    Some really good points he makes are for example:

    • Functions that only do one job
    • Testing makes refactoring easier
    • The standard SOLID OOP stuff.
    • Tech debt is bad
    • Abstraction and encapsulation is good and allows developers to interact with the code on a higher level in terms of actions instead of writing verbose stuff. Essentially saying less code leads to less bugs
    • Insulate yourself from change
    • Duplication is bad
    • Two use cases that are very similar is not duplication and common code shouldn’t be factored out.
    • Don’t mix high level code with low level.
    • Build solid Entity classes to model the data and their interactions.
    • Don’t write multithreaded code if you don’t have to.
    • If you have to do your best to write it so they don’t share memory.

    Those comes with examples. He’s a tad bit overly idealistic in my opinion. These books fail to mention a couple of things:

    • Refactoring is expensive and the cost is often not justified.
    • Premature abstraction is the absolute devil
    • You don’t need to insulate from things that are very unlikely to change (like going from SQL to Document DB)
    • Less changes also lead to less bugs.
    • Too much emphasis on functions being few lines of code instead of just being simple.

    All in all though, very solid books. I read Clean Code in university and Clean Architecture in my first job and it really helped me wrap my head around different ways to solve the same problem. Excellent ideas but it’s not the holy truth. The only reason I remember all of these points is that I encountered all of them on the job and saw the benefit.

    In my opinion new programmers should read it and take inspiration. Craftsman level developers should criticise and maybe pick up a few brain concepts to sort some concepts out in their brain. Experts will get little benefit though.