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Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • the other is still made of people who deserve to live their own lives.

    But those “people” (i.e., the clones of Tuvok and Neelix) never existed in the first place.

    The main issue in this episode is that two sentient beings were effectively destroyed against their will to create a new sentient being. To rectify the issue of two sentient beings being destroyed to create one new sentient being, the one was destroyed against his will.

    But a clone of Tuvix would not come into existence at the expense of any sentient beings besides the original Neelix and Tuvok. It doesn’t solve the original “we’re killing a sentient being to bring back our friends” problem the original Tuvix caused, but it doesn’t create new problems either.

    We could just transporter-clone and combine Tuvok and Neelix into Tuvix in one shot. The net effect is one new being, Tuvix, at the expense of nobody. Doing it by cloning Tuvix is just an added intermediate step.

  • But that’s not what TypeScript does. The joke in the meme doesn’t really even make sense.

    A better analogy would be you have a basket that’s explicitly labeled “Fruit” and TypeScript complains if you try to put laundry detergent in it because you said it’s supposed to be a basket of fruit.

    This meme was clearly made by someone who doesn’t use or understand TypeScript.

  • Voyager was especially notorious for this. TNG had its share of technobabble, but it felt like every character in Voyager apparently had intricate knowledge of advanced engineering concepts that magically solved every problem in almost every episode.

    Chief Engineer B’Elanna: “There’s this new problem no one has ever faced before and we don’t know how to fix it!”

    Commander Chakotay: “Have you tried realigning the dilithium matrix?”

    B’Elanna: “It wouldn’t work because it would cause an interference pattern in the warp attenuation field.”

    Chakotay: “What if we harmonize the polaron emitter to reverse the polarity of the chroniton field so we can convert the matter/antimatter reaction into a photonic gamma burst and triple the power of the warp core?”

    B’Elanna: “That could work!”

    Not real, but this feels like almost every episode in Voyager.