That’s a bad vibe if I’ve ever seen one.
That’s a bad vibe if I’ve ever seen one.
Thats part of why I try really hard not to let perfect be the enemy of good.
That’s fair, I hope I didn’t come across as attacking usage of “imperfect” solutions. It’s definitely not my goal, I’m in the “try to use the least bad thing” camp.
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge and engage with that context. I spend too much time on the internet and fully understand it’s unsustainable for most—it’s not doing me good, either—so I’m glad I get to share relevant content I’ve accumulated from time to time.
I get that, I was excited for Brave as an independent search engine before learning more about them. Kagi genuinely seems to be a good meta search engine, but its leadership is ignorant, reckless, and frankly embarrassing. I won’t comment on Searx since I haven’t tried or read about it in a long time. Bit bleak, eh?
That second point sounds interesting, do you remember any names or other sources I could look into?
These are off the top of my head, will add links in a bit.
Vaxry is the lead developer of infamous compositor hyprland, known by many for its toxic community. He is on record saying “I do believe there could be arguments to sway my opinion towards genocide”. There is a print of this, somewhere. I’ve seen it. I will find it and put it here.
Brendan is CEO of Brave and known homophobe, kicked out of Mozilla for… being a homophobe. He now leads the foremost crypto browser, known for its bravery and gathering a large cult of cunts. N.B. not all brave users are cunts, but cunts are seemingly attracted to brave, where they may find a welcoming community of people just as proudly horrible.
I think Ross is ok (I haven’t seen anything horrible so far at least), the issue is really Lunduke who, for those unaware, is also a known transphobe and extreme right-wing propagandist.
Hey, quick question, what do you think of the lead developer of LadyBird calling Brendan Eich, known homophobe and CEO of Brave, “Senpai.”
It’s completely unrelated, right? He just doesn’t know, right? I’m sure nobody ever tried telling him. Or maybe he’s only capable of perceiving technical information, so the rest of Brendan’s history never entered his head?
…Not at all, he’s fully aware, and he regrets joining the people who spoke out against Brendan, something he only did to fit in. He should damn well know Eich is a homophobe if he’s so smart, he just doesn’t give a shit.
Bitch doesn’t have the courage to step foot where he knows he’d get fucked. He’d rather use his money to destabilize it until they give him a red carpet welcome, which they very well might eventually, considering how the AfD is doing.
For what it’s worth, the rest of the report is mostly fine, and I’m inclined to believe I learned something about Drew. But I also felt that was not honest, and question if it had to be included at all. Looking around, it seems the author likes Stallman, and regardless of how they felt before, they probably disliked Drew when they found he was connected to the Stallman report.
So thanks for mentioning that weird vibe. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who paused at that section.
No need to apologize, I’ll take a late reply over nothing any day. I’m not the fastest replier, myself. That said, I’m sorry, but isn’t that the guy that calls everyone stupid, delusional, and entitled when people (often) point out his mistakes?
I honestly appreciate the comment from a Firefox dev, believing in good faith that it’s truthful—such insights are often hidden, strewn over comments, old IRC messages, etc.—but I’m definitely wary of taking anything that creator says at face-value. Tech-influencers may have been a mistake.
…Well, I’ll give it a shot anyway, since you say there’s value in it. Thank you.