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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Absolutely loved this episode, Boimler getting wrapped in the cables when jerry-rigging the sensors had me in tears; and the Riker as he swung his leg over the saddle brilliant bit of improv made even funnier knowing Drakes directed this.

    They managed to tone down the lower deckers slighter whilst still having their full personalities come through.

    Pikes getting more exacerbated with them throughout the episode was well done, and the amount of physical comedy I’m running out of superlatives for this episode.

    It was just brilliant, easily my favourite of the current era.

    Edit. Just wanted to add, loved seeing the LD uniform in love action; thought it translated really well.

  • For me, it’s just that overly serious all the time, and is quite happy to make disparaging remarks or two or just plain make fun of the main team. Where the others all take themselves way to seriously, but I suspect after centuries of only really fighting against other system lords and only really having servants to talk to, I think he enjoyed having having someone else in the arena to battle wits against.

    I never heard that said before but it wouldn’t surprise me which how the role evolved over the seasons.