Yeah it’s painful seeing how low it is. I lived there back in '99 which meant I also got to drive/ride over the damn itself. Good times.
Yeah it’s painful seeing how low it is. I lived there back in '99 which meant I also got to drive/ride over the damn itself. Good times.
Well there are plenty of reasons to throw shade at Vegas, but one thing they are doing well is water management.
Unrelated/related: it was Stargate that sort of cemented my atheism. I hadn’t thought much about my own “-ism” until I was watching the show (I was also at an age to start thinking about those things). Up until then I was just an apathetic non-religious, didn’t really think about “god” at all either way. Stargate triggered my apathy into coherent and connected thoughts along the same themes as Stargate’s, “there are no gods; if there are they suck anyway; fight the power!”
[face palm] that is an amazingly important point I hadn’t thought of / not heard discussed before, about the service fee vs actual increase hourly wages. I mean it’s totally obvious now that you said it.
And I really do agree with owners taking the risk if they want the reward. I will only say that there IS a place for balance, and reward for performance. I think the current tip system is tilted WAY WAY WAY too much to the server’s risk and needs to go away. I also think restaurant margins are actually too thin to go 100% wage based and put all that risk on the owners. I fear the bankruptcy churn in restaurants would be too much.
And yet it seems to work out in Europe so I’m probably wrong.