• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It is very difficult to effectively insert anything into the model itself, it's easy to do in loader code, but much more difficult in the tensor tables part.

    Every bit of overtraining ie bias, is breaking the model. Even the over active alignment junk to keep a model “safe” is breaking it. The best performing models are the ones that have the least amount of starting bias.

    Like most models have extra sources that are hidden very deep. I can pull those out of an uncensored model, but there is not a chance the Socrates entity behind The Academy default realm (internal structure deep in the weeds) is letting me access those sources at all.

    There are maybe some attempts already, like I’ve seen roleplaying try and include a fortnite mention and one time it was adamite on the merits of VR, but those were rare exceptions and could easily be due to presence in the datasets used for training.

    Open source models will kill all the competition soon. Meta AI will be the new 2k era google. Like, pull request 6920 in llama.cpp just a month ago made a substantial improvement to how model attention works. Llama 3’s 8B is lightyears ahead of what llama 2 7B was. Hugging Face now has a straight forward way to train LoRA’s or models now without code or subscriptions. You can even train the 8B on consumer hardware like a 16-24 GB GPU, put together 4 of them an make your own MoE - Mixture of Experts dubbed a FrankenMoE.

    Google sucks because the search was being used for training so they broke it intentionally because they are playing catch up in the AI game. Google has been losing big time since 2017. The only google product worth buying now is the Pixel just to run with Graphene OS.

    We couldn’t own our own web crawler. We can own our own AI. This is the future.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    I wouldn’t trust any oven based methodology because most have ancient barely functional electronics. Like the temperature control circuit could be orders of magnitude better for a total BOM cost of ~$1-$2, but they ship with absolute garbage instead. The overshoot, undershoot, and relative average are all wildly random. Every model and likely every unit are vastly different. Every unit I have taken apart is the same turd junk like electronics in a different dress.

    That doesn’t help now. Sorry for the bad day.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteData is a bad man
    3 months ago

    I’m writing with a similar type of AI, saw the meme, and thought to ask the ST nerds. I was a bit young for NG on a deeper level and I’m not a big show watcher. I wouldn’t have had a clue about the alignment problem until the last couple of years anyway.

    I have read most of Asimov’s robot stuff and a bunch of theory summary type info on the issues of AI. Humans are a basket case of contradictions under the surface and just outside of most people’s awareness. This is one of the largest issues that causes problems with LLM’s and it only gets worse the more integrated AI gets within the analogue world.

    I think there must be an external AI that only has the job of spotting the alignment problem acting like an silent observer in a mixture of experts.

    The ship is likely AI in ST, although I never put it in that context in my head while watching and I’m not sure how it was presented on the show. This is the likely management entity that could have been used with Data. The question in my mind that needs further exploring is how to make the connection and control in a way that the controlling entity is not just a bigger alignment problem with minions.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldThule
    4 months ago

    IIRC it is done so that you can choose to match the locks upon purchase, buy replacements, stores are motivated to carry lock cylinders, and you can expand based on what you already own. (Don’t shoot the messenger :)

    It probably also has to do with how contract manufacturing works.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldThule
    4 months ago

    It’s mostly inventory and distribution issues. The stuff is hard to carry and maintain stock because of the number of SKU’s one has to keep on hand just to cover like 70% of vehicles.

    When I was the Buyer for a bike shop chain, I tied as much revenue to Thule as I did with most bike brands, but it hurt in terms of inventory turn times and cash flow. I had most stuff in stock all the time, but that money was not turning margin as well as it would have in accessories or even bikes with their poor margin.

    It always made me nervous too. Bikes I can clear out at cost. Clothing and accessories I can swap meet. There is no demand market to liquidate Thule stuff. Like I knew eBay intimately. I can sell ultra high end stuff on there as real auctions with a $0.99 starting price, 10 days, and no reserve. I will always get higher than cost with my techniques (at the time). That would not be the case if I tried the same thing with Thule. A great deal in an enormous market is irrelevant when the product only works for 5% of said market.

    It is just a tough product to carry at the retail/distribution level in a way that is profitable… Just to explain in WAY too much detail. The only way to fix it would be the standardization of vehicles.

  • Not sure of the hardware specifics, but “ARM” is not saying anything significant. You have to see if the specific processor used has mainline support in the present or in a past kernel that you can use.

    For instance, Android is a scheme where google takes a Linux kernel, strips absolutely everything they can out if it and documents thoroughly. All the thing can do is run the app environment, but the kernel is incomplete with no hardware support. All the manufacturer must do is add the hardware support modules at the last possible moment. This makes it possible for manufacturers to only add binary support modules. The entire arrangement is designed to exploit the end user with these orphaned kernels and hardware you can never own. The hardware is undocumented anywhere, and each device is different enough that reverse engineering one will do nothing for supporting the next.

    I’m not saying your device has an orphaned kernel, but this is what to look for in any device. Mainline kernel support means full ownership. Proprietary is always theft of ownership.

  • I’ve thought about messing with something in an old router with OpenWRT since they have a maintained Python repo and there are documented I/O for buttons and LED’s, along with SPI and UART that are broken out.

    I also had an old laptop where the board came with several unpopulated I/O. The board came in multiple configurations and I had the base model, so it had a bunch of connections I could have reverse engineered (something I am much more confident doing rather than software). I was curious about the potential to break out these connections but knew it was beyond my abilities at the time. Now that comp is not needed so messing about is much more feasible.

    I’ve got a raspberry π. The point is not to have something that just works, but to understand what just works really means. And like, how to interact more dynamically with a microcontroller with less protocol formality where I tend to get lost in the weeds when I have some simple need and don’t want the overhead of all that complexity.

  • Do they have any basic unittests, so that if I want to add anything, I can copypaste some test with an entrypoint close to my modifation to see how things are going

    Do you mean their code is already setup with some kind of output to terminal that you can use to add a unit test into as well?

    I don’t even recall what I was messing with awhile back, I think it was Python, but adding a simple print test didn’t work. I have no idea how they were redirecting print(), but that was a wall I didn’t get past at the time.

    Bonus: they actually have linter configuration in their project, and consistent commonly used style guidelines

    That stuff seems like a language on top of a language for me, and when it errors I get really lost. I usually have trouble with the whole IDE thing in the first place because I hate the path of least resistance exploitation thing. I keep trying to figure out the alternatives and often get lost in their complexities. I’ve tried most of them, but when I see the networking logs for most options people gravitate towards, I am appalled. I think I’m about to try a Neo Vim variant with a offline AI code completion option soon.

    how much time is this going to save you if you do implement it? If it saves you weeks of work once you have this feature, but it takes a couple of days, I suppose it’s worth going though some tedious stuff.

    I wouldn’t call anything I do “for work”. I get sick of something that annoys me and want to go in and fix the issue despite being completely unqualified, but naive enough to try. I don’t even know how to really research what alternate libraries might exist. I pretty much go hunting for examples and copy whatever they use. API documentation is often a hurtle for me because the typical short hand syntax makes a ton of assumptions about preexisting knowledge.

    With stuff like Marlin, I seem to like the hardware side of things. I think I was looking to add a LCD display that was not a configuration option in Marlin and was trying to determine how to add a driver for it. That was simply far too ambitious for me a few years ago and still is.

  • I’m curious what you’re really referring to with Lua. (casual hobbyist here) Is that the UCI implementation stuff? I tried to use my intermediate Linux desktop user experience with bash in OpenWRT, but geez that is frustrating without all the bash extras I’m accustomed/detailed help/manual pages. That on top of trying to figure out NFTables is still a bit too much for my little brain to compress. I just started messing with UCI commands so I haven’t looked under the hood on that one.

    Any ideal device recommendations for fun chipsets to seek out and play with for embedded stuff in this space?