How about, you give me AI ‘enhancement’ and more ads and I’ll give you my solemn word to never use your browser again? Deal?
How about, you give me AI ‘enhancement’ and more ads and I’ll give you my solemn word to never use your browser again? Deal?
My favourite role of his (outside of Trek) is as the Elvis-loving dad in The Commitments.
That may well be the thing I’m looking for, thanks for the pointer!
You don’t understand because I didn’t state why 😅 I have enough time and energy to set up and manage containerised applications. 20 years ago I might have had the drive to set up a local dev version, manage the dependencies and set up local init scripts, but not anymore.
KDE Connect is a great idea, thanks!
Bonus points if you can get them to preserve all the NSFW mods as well.
I’d say it’s time to push the argument that the Library of Congress needs to be preserving games as part of the cultural history of the USA. If the legislative branch won’t abide private efforts then it’s time to make the government do it.
Thanks for taking the time to respond It’s impressive work for a 2 person team.
I previously commented that I was interested, so I downloaded the Docker image and set it up. It has potential. I haven’t tried too much out on it, but have managed to get it to index and install a subsection of the DRM-free GOG and itch.io games I own.
One thing I couldn’t easily see was how it deals with DLC. I own AI War: Fleet Command along with a handful of expansions which have their own installers. The server picked up the metadata for the main game, but not for the DLC, which are in their own archives. It also didn’t pick up a metadata match for “Dungeon Keeper Gold” despite it having an entry in IGDB. What I’d like to do is be able to assign the IGDB ID as part of the filename, much like one can with IMDB, TVDB and TMDB in Plex. It would also be great to be able to store and separately access non-game assets such as manuals.
Finally, having to use Microsoft Store to install tears at my soul. Is there really no way to distribute a standalone installer?
Ooh, interested for sure. How did I not know about this before?
My face, screaming in horror, but in words instead. I’ve only really worked with projects in homogenous languages on the application side, so hadn’t considered that. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
There is an IETF standard for UUIDs? Do we need an IETF standard for UUIDs? I’ve been coding since the '90s and never thought a UUID to be complicated or contentious enough to need a standard. I guess it makes for a pretty unique icebreaker to say you’ve contributed to an IETF standard, if you get invited to those sort of parties.
…grandmother of King Tutankhamen, daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, and heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed.
Not strictly canon, but I have fond memories of Apple Trek on the Apple II. Growing up I played Star Trek 25th Anniversary and Klingon Honor Guard. More recently I got the PS3 game based on the Kelvin timeline movies. But my favourite to date has been Star Trek Bridge Crew, I’ve really enjoyed the immersion of it.
Captain Kirk really does want deep fried turkey, it’s a moister, tastier turkey.
What’s next? Femtofunctions