Middle-aged gamer/creative/wiki maintainer
FFXIV, Genshin Impact, Tears of Themis, Rimworld, and more
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is a hard question to answer, because the really unfun ones either get dropped so fast I forget I ever played them unless someone jogs my memory by naming them directly, or I’m willing to just shrug and say “this is probably great to some people, but it’s not a genre I like.” I guess for this category, I would point to The Witness. I heard so many recommendations for it, but aside from the occasional “oh, neat” when I saw how a puzzle was placed in the world instead of on a board, I couldn’t tolerate it for nearly as long as it wanted me to keep doing the thing.

    The game I memorably should have enjoyed - that I had the highest hopes for (and the biggest subsequent disappointment for) was Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.

    At first, I loved the deeply disturbed main character and grim Norse fantasy world being crafted around me, but the combat felt so disjointed from the story (on purpose) that it felt like there was one guy on the dev team who liked combat who everyone was afraid to piss off, so they had to make concessions and put one token immersion-wrecking battle in every so often. And it’s mad that Senua has two entire character traits - “psychotic” and “warrior” - and one of them managed to feel immersion breaking.

    Then the ending destroyed the bits of the game I DID like and made me feel like a tool for ever having bought into the grim fantasy world to begin with. That shit is everyone’s most hated ending trope, and I walked away from the game feeling like I’d wasted my time.

    At least it was short.

  • I can’t even tell most of you people apart.

    Have you ever considered maybe that’s the point? Maybe people want to be judged for what they say instead of what image they had on hand when they signed up?

    I uploaded a pic while playing with all the shiny features over here, but I was faceless on reddit for years after their introduction of profile pics, because I was there to have discussions, not build a profile. And the one I picked here? It tells you almost nothing about me unless you already know the character in the image, which only people who have a similar niche interest might.

    This is like whining about women who don’t wear makeup, because “If you have the option why not just snazzy it up with a couple of images tiny bit of eyeshadow. I think it’s shows a bit of personality.” Sometimes the active decision not to bother with cosmetic features IS the personality you’re looking for.

  • Stuart Fergus, the husband of James Bulger’s mother, said that after he reached out to one creator asking them to take down their video, he received a reply saying: “We do not intend to offend anyone. We only do these videos to make sure incidents will never happen again to anyone. Please continue to support and share my page to spread ­awareness.”

    He really tried to take down his wife’s dead kid’s deepfake and got the creator responding “no offense, so like share and subscribe lel”

    Using the likeness of another person without that person’s express permission should be a jailable offense.

  • Regarding your image rotation: When you rotate an image, it’s often not done as an actual movement of data, but as an added EXIF tag. “Take this image and display it at this angle.”

    EXIF tags can store a lot of malicious shit like the GPS location of your photo, so lemmy aggressively strips them out. Better take your photos the right way from the start and/or use a robust photo manipulation software that will actually rearrange the data instead of adding a tag.

  • I think you’ve just played too many games. You know how they work now, you have a sense of what’s behind the curtain. You can see the way the dev is trying to talk to you through specific camera angles and lighting placements, and you resent it and wish for the days you didn’t notice that stuff.

    I get it. It’s valid. But it’s a personal thing. Games didn’t get less fun, you just aren’t enjoying them anymore. They’ve always been like that.

    May I suggest cheating? No, seriously: Download some mods, cheat tables, or trainers. Play the game the way you want to play it. Break out of the devs’ carefully-packaged little box, even if it makes the game easier or makes people sneer at you. Go out of bounds. Give yourself infinite health and see how long it takes to beat the last boss naked and unarmed or using a DDR pad.

    Don’t cheat in multiplayer though. There’s a special hell reserved for those who ruin others’ experiences.

  • Most of us

    [citation needed]

    I’m glad it’s not an issue for you out there and think it’s mighty chill of you to put others before yourself in this regard. Cheers and raised glasses all around, genuinely. But it’s also not really okay for you to speak for “most of” everyone who has PTSD and doesn’t have a far-off farm to escape to. I’ve seen some people very close to me get incredibly messed up during impromptu neighborhood fireworks shows.