Or YOU could hack the company by stressing him about bugs and offer your help to fix them.
A classic nerd from Norway.
Or YOU could hack the company by stressing him about bugs and offer your help to fix them.
Of course they dont. Not a chance with that much video added every hour. Also everything gotta be automated. And in favor of those who can make the most legal trouble. And thats companies, not the many various smaller IP-owners.
Just rubs me the wrong way that only Google are finding this business worth it. None of the other companies, even with massive amounts of storage and cdn infrastructure, are able to compete for long.
Microsoft could have done it if storage was all. They got the infrastructure, the tech, cdn infrastructure , and even had a lot of big business customers already using Azures media streaming services. Instead they are withdrawing.
90s?! Does it have a login screen with a fat guy mocking me if I didn’t say the magic word? Or a hidden π link i can click on to bypass authentication?
The biggest drain is the copyright fights, I’m guessing. Defending against and pleasing every big company with an interest.
Yeah,when I got more than 30 totp accounts, I gave up on keeping them separate. Its still better than 1FA.
Its music level released on YT gave it a lot of exposure. If even that wasn’t enough, what hope do we have for an Alan Wake 3 or Control 2 without a crappy tacked-on monetization scheme? Because thats always next if a singleplayer game series doesn’t make as much money as the publishers wanted it to.
Im probably wrong, it isn’t easy to judge properly with so few pixels, but it looks like each floor on the enterprise is half the height of a cargo crate. That can’t be right?
I believe MOST people have such a strong need to follow something that they will ignore or invent justification for the morality of it. And I dont think one can learn that, rather one has to learn NOT to follow. But I’m no psychiatrist.
I dont think theres so few. A lot of people have a need to be led. And if it isnt religion and gods it is something else. Like “leaders”. Like the golden(-ish) cow the US’ republicans are worshiping.
Is Burnham still the one-man away-team? The better episodes was where more of the crew got to contribute.
The way I see it, explaining others also helps me understand it better. If its so basic (or too advanced) that I get nothing out of explaining, then I leave it to better suited people to help them instead. Being on these kindsa forums, its supposed to be enjoyable for both the teacher and the student. I don’t see any shame in dropping it as soon as it turns frustrating.
Should be govt supported online libraries. Not under regular copyright rules (but they aren’t allowed to profit or redistribute it either) but for potentially culturally relevant content that is 5 or more years since publication.
Can’t say I didn’t expect that.
You send in one of those 30-days requests to have all your data purged from Google, probably.
Seems like its a common mistake, maybe brought on by its use as a stylistic choice in entertainment. “Myguy vs/ Yourguy” became “MyGuy v⚡s Yourguy” became the abomination that is “v/s”. Probably. I’m no etymolog.
They are all named some variant of “tutorial_Ch01” or “testprogram” probably. And one repository named “My Unnamed MMO” (or some other overly complex but trendy genre) that has like 12 lines of code so far and a crappy drawn pixelart png.
Don’t you give me that sarcastic Vulcan salute!
NOT any of the movies. Avoid them until you know you enjoy the tvseries. And I believe you should start at Strange New Worlds. A recent series that quickly gets itself into what we enjoy about Star Trek.
You COULD see if you enjoy Discovery too. I think its a bit too far from what makes Star Trek fun (team work and optimism), and it too quickly delves into mirror world stuff, which you really should have more context about. Picard is a bit too much dependent on knowing stuff from The Next Generation. Lower Decks is making fun of Star Trek lore. And Enterprise and anything older is good and watchable if you enjoyed Strange New Worlds. They all have a bit slow first season though. The Original Series is too old to be watchable for me.
Its doing pretty well when its doing a few words at a time under supervision. Also it does it better than newbies.
Now if only those people below newbies, those who don’t even bother to learn, didn’t hope to use it to underpay average professionals… And if it wasn’t trained on copyrighted data. And didn’t take up already limited resources like power and water.