Mostly on my Lemmygrad and Hexbear accounts. But still like and the people on here. Not a liberal, conservative, or a fucking fascist! The masses need to wake up and see how much we have been and continue to be lied to by those that want us to stay dumb and hating each other!

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2021

  • And I was over here thinking the 100GB Blu-ray M disc that came with my BDXL drive was some wild shit. It has been wild seeing how big some PC cases are these days, but don’t even have 5.24 bays. Would be dope to have some discs like these to use as cold storage for my Plex server/complete uncompressed rips of literally all of my DVDs/BDs. Sad that these things would be kept at some wildly high prices since they would be overkill for normal media releases. And since many of the companies are starting to scale back on said releases in favor of revokable digital copies and subscriptions.

    I will always have a soft spot for spinning discs and other weird storage.

  • They did mostly. It is still possible (but can be extremely frustrating if your timing is off by fractions of a second) to disconnect a LAN cable or USB-LAN adapter (DON’T sign into a wifi network) at the right moment and cause it to ask for a name for the user account. I have taken to calling this the “AA Pullout Method.” My co-workers and myself are crass de-gens and sometimes have to trade off trying to get it to work and made it a game to see who can get it to work in the least amount of tries. Get the “title” of “pullout king.” Did you need to know this? No, but it is no less dumb than the steps below and attempts needed to just make a fucking local user on Windows 10/11 (though 10 seems to be much easier to get around).

    You have to first fail at signing into a MS account. Which you can just type the letter “a” instead of an actual email address (seriously don’t have to type anything else, not even adding “@email.whatever” is needed) as if you are just using a preexisting account and not pick the “create a MS account.” It will then ask for your MS account password and just again type the letter “a.” It will then give a “Oops something went wrong” message. This is where the unplugging the cable is needed. The timing is that you need to pull the cable basically right as you let go of your left-click on the “Retry” button. So like if you are using a regular mouse it won’t register that you clicked the button until the moment you have lifted your finger. But if you fail to time it just right, it will either just cycle back to the “Sign into existing MS account” screen where you used the first “a” instead of an email. Or it will give a different message about not being online and take you back to the “Let’s get you online” network screen with your LAN adapter and wifi networks. However if you time it correctly, it will just ask for the name of the user and password.

    If you forget to plug the LAN cable back in after getting the “name of user” screen, it will give the screen about not being online. If you are able to get the local user name screen, just plug your LAN back in and it will just ask the rest of the setup questions like normal. And you now have a local user account. But again, shit is super touchy about the timing. So it could take quite a number of retries to get it to work. If you have ever used the PSP/PS3/PS Vita “Hen” non-permanent “custom firmwares,” then you might know the struggle (as the hack may fail to launch until entirely too many attempts if you haven’t used them).

  • It is much easier to lose the remote since you only use it when using the TV (or other devices that have remotes). Where as you are much much more likely to be doing stuff on your phone actively. Also you can use various methods for locating your phone. Most remotes on the other hand don’t come with the same features for finding them. I am only personally aware of Roku’s remotes having the option to press a physical button on the main box, or via the Roku phone app (which can also be used as a remote).

    I loved having the IR blaster on my Galaxy S6, and thought it was lame that it wasn’t around when I upgraded to my S8+. Though I will say that the pre-installed third-party app got on the enshittification train at some point. As I started getting random ads on my lock screen and found that this app cause. So that would be one thing that kind of made losing the IR blaster suck less. Still it sucks to lose features that were able to exist on my smaller phones now that I started getting the + and Ultra size models. Most certainly could fit the aux port at minimum.

  • I only ever used the lite version of FB Messenger. Shit was much better than the full version, especially without all the bloated “features” that I didn’t use at best and being annoying/battery drains at worst. Was noticeably snappier on both my old and new phones. Fortunately most of my friends started using Discord and/or Signal with better features (and one less Meta app to have running).

    I think that the idea of having smaller and less demanding versions of lots of apps is a good idea. As so many apps are just not optimized and bloated. Just being coded to rely on higher specs to make up for said lack of effort in cleaning up stuff. The ads on ads on ads being part of the issue as well. Which is only getting worse with the close buttons not loading unless shit has been however many seconds. Seems that the “hit box” for the close buttons is getting smaller and smaller to guaranty the ads are clicked on and then open another app or a browser. Though optimizations and better coding won’t fix dirty underhanded grifts.

  • Just going to just preface this with a heads-up that it is all just a rant about how much I hate that the “reopen everything” box is defaultly checked.

    Also it being the default setting for Mac OS means that people just never actually quit out of programs (though being fair most normie Mac users don’t even seem to know that just closing a window doesn’t quit the program). Which leads to just massive slowdowns and weird errors that they just turn around and pay way too much money to “fix”.

    I have had so much success with just immediately restarting them and just making sure to uncheck that stupid box so most shit finally is fully closed out when it powers back on. Which I also make it a point to tell everyone I help to actually reboot their shit even just a couple times a week (since most users also seem to never use either the shutdown or reboot and just always close the lid) to keep things more or less okay. I also educate them on how to actually quit out of programs.

    I shit you not that I once just did the whole “uncheck the box and reboot” shit and completely fixed a weird webcam not being detected problem within less than 2mins total. Made my boss happy that I was able to help that fast, but was very frustrated to hear that the person had actually been to the Apple Store before coming to us. They (the Apple Store) ran some super quick diagnostic and it came back as not seeing the webcam. To which they had quoted the person like $500~$600 to for the parts and labour.

    Coming to us was just a last attempt to make sure and the MacBook Air had been at least turned off and not just put to sleep before coming over. But the main factor was that stupid box being defaultly checked, and just everyone ignoring it and just keeping the problem around. The average person I can understand either just not really noticing or just being scared to uncheck it for fear of somehow messing something up. As they just assume that it wouldn’t be already checked if it was “correct”.

    So at least I was able to fix an issue that really wasn’t an issue, and the person walked away not having to spend a dime. And they learned to only check the box if they need it and will just uncheck it the rest of the time. Which also makes me happy to have helped and have taught them something they didn’t ever think to question.

  • It doesn’t definitively prove openAI didn’t pay for the works.

    But since they are a business/org and has all of those works and using them for profit. Then it kind of would be provable if openAI did or didn’t pay the correct licenses as they and/or the publisher/Stephen King (if he directly were to handle those agreements) would have a receipt/license document of some kind to show it. I don’t agree with how copyrights are done and agree that things should be public domain much sooner. But a for-profit thing like openAI shouldn’t be just allowed to have all these exceptions that avoids needing any level of permission and paying for ones that ask for it to use it. At least not while us regular people that aren’t using these sources for profits/business also aren’t allowed to just use whatever we want.

    The only way that (I at least) see such an open use of everything at the level of all the data/information being fine is in a socialist/communist system of some kind. As the main concern for generally keeping stuff like entertainment/information/art/etc at a creator level is to have money to live in modern society where basic and crucial needs (food/housing/healthcare/etc) costs money. So for the average author/writer/artist/inventor a for-profit company just being able to take their shit and much more directly impact their ability to live.

    It is a highly predatory level of capitalism and should not have exceptions. It is just setting up a different version of the shit that needs to also be stopped in the entertainment/technology industries. Where the actual creators/performers/etc are fucked by the studios/labs/corps by not being paid anywhere near the value being brought in and may not have control over it. So all of the companies and the capitalist system are why a private entity/business/org shouldn’t just be allowed to pull this shit.

  • That is because they are a publicly traded for-profit company. They are legally required to do anything and everything to always make the numbers go up. By any means necessary, which is where any semblance of “not being evil” goes to die. Especially after a product/company was able to get massive popularity for doing/supporting actually good things and/or being known for being “the” name that people think about as being ridiculously well made. So many CEOs and the top controlling shareholders start gutting everything to squeeze out any and all extra profits. Just a hollow shell where massive cuts in jobs and replacing anything that got them there with passive money generating replacements. And since basically all normies just go with whatever they were last really told was good. They don’t notice how bad it has become, and don’t question it at all (like how many people thought those IE toolbars were just part of IE from an update).

    Feel free to skip the next bit as it is more rant about the importance of actually updating the information normies have gotten and just default to.

    I on a daily basis have to explain to customers who’s computers I work on, that AVG and Avast are beyond bad things to have installed these days. And that they (and really all the major paid for AV products) are the reason that their computer is dog slow. Along with pointing out that all the scary messages they are seeing are from the AV products trying to constantly up-sell them on getting every single one of their pointless products that they will never use/need. Especially bad when you pay for something and think that it will just do the damn thing you wanted without harassment. Just to then get more alerts and pop-up messages trying to scare you more into getting more “protection from X” than you got before giving them any money at all. They just keep using these things all because someone or a few “tech people” that they personally knew at work or before moving somewhere told them it was the best. Same goes for shit like Office and Outlook. So many older folks think they can’t use email if it isn’t through Outlook and freak the hell out if their drive or OS fucks up. They think they can’t create/open documents if it isn’t Office (same goes for Acrobat for PDFs). There are randomly people that do need those things, but they also tend to be more aware of stuff like creating backups of PST files.

  • Yeah for real! They were really really quick and light on RAM in the super early days. But that was due to not having much there compared to Firefox and Opera, or even IE and Safari. Even the original Edge browser was kind of quick due to it just not having everything. All of them lose that little advantage after being around long enough to have the code base be added to along with trying to copy features from popular extensions or trying to add random things to stand out. Even when Firefox got heavy with RAM, I still stuck with it due to extensions factually being able to do more that I wanted. But then they solved the RAM issues dramatically with that Quantum refresh, though it did mean many extensions got nurfed by virtue of not having as much access to the OS level stuff (which is probibly a good thing with regards to security and privacy). Even then they still have better access to being able to really block ads and other privacy related things. And that is because they aren’t an ad company that wants to dictate how you are allowed to use the internet.

  • I have only ever had one project on there that has been an issue. But even then it happens with all the browsers I try. Do you use any other security/privacy extensions?

    The rest is really just a rant about literally getting people to use alternatives instead of Chrome.

    Also those nerds that like Chrome could just switch over to basically any other Chromium-based browser to show that they don’t support Google’s new attempts to make the internet only play by corpo rules. Edge and Brave work well for normies and for nerds (though Microsoft is really really trying to make it more frustrating as possible and adding their own data mining with every update). Just have to disable various things. Like the crypto stuff on Brave, and basically anything that Microsoft tries to tell you to use. Vivaldi is a really impressive option for power users. Their UI customization are wild af and can be a bit overwhelming from the sheer amount of options. Opera is okay too, but it seems to be confusing with how it presents its options and some features seem to overlap too much for my taste with how extensions can show up in multiple places. And of course there is Chromium, but the lack of auto updates and other things defaultly not present makes it not a good option for normies.

    I personally have Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, LibreWolf, Mulvad, Palemoon, Tor, Vivaldi, and Waterfox installed on my main PC. So I can see how various projects are working and to be super ready to answer the question “have you tried loading the site with a different browser” if I need to contact support of a site. Though I tend to use Mulvad for searching torrent sites and Tor for onion sites. And LibreWolf, Palemoon, and Waterfox are kind of more out of an interest in seeing how different Firefox based browsers are coming along. Out of the Chromium browsers, I tend to use Vivaldi the most as it is fun to use as an RSS feed reader and can treat Mastodon/Misskey/Foundkey as kind of apps via slide-out sidebar. Can also do email similar to how a normal email app would (though not close to as many power features). Brave would be next go-to, especially now that they have the vertical tabs working as smoothly and pretty as Edge does. The vertical tabs was basically the only reason I used Edge for a bit. All the other vertical tabs from browsers like Vivaldi or extensions always feel/look bad, and the extension based ones don’t remove the normal horizontal tabs. So it always breaks the overall UI consistency.

    Should anyone that isn’t me or a site designer/tester have more than maybe two or three browsers installed? Hell no, lol. But the main point is that folks that like Chrome but would like to show that they don’t like how Google is trying to re-create the old days of Internet Explorer do have options. Get those daily installs and usage metrics of Chrome to drop after so many years of being the new replacement default. Most likely won’t stop them from doing bad shit, but it would bring back some amount of competition and more importantly give more reasons for sites to respect universal standers and not just be coded to only work with one browser. We really don’t need to see a return of those little icons on every site saying that it “Works best with IE”. For profit propratary shit is how we will cease to be able to have an open internet that isn’t just HR approved and all requiring us to be “allowed” to interact with any of it.

  • Getting more people to start using Firefox instead of Chrome would be the best way to “vote with our wallets” in this case. Though some of the Chromium forks do make easier sells, but they are much much more likely to just go with whatever Google does by using the same base. So if Google forces something into Chromium in order to keep being able to functioning and being compatible (in web standards, security updates, and the massive extension library). It will just force the use of whatever Google wants, and make Google the de facto boss of how we are “allowed” to use the internet.

  • Wouldn’t need to take their money if donations were to get high enough (though it might be easier to have a collective org that all kinds of open internet groups could join and donate to). At the moment FF is the only browser that isn’t relying on Google’s Chromium while also being a real player that isn’t OS specific like Safari is. All the FF alts may have their own very good points for making their forks, but they aren’t building anything from the ground up. Which puts them in the same spot as all the Chromium based forks with regards to relying on base code needing to stay current. It is of course possible for the Chromium forks to join with FF (and any of its forks that can put their issues with Mozilla aside on this issue) to call for protections.

    IE/Microsoft was pulling the same kinds of shit before Chrome, Firefox, and Safari were able to show what could be possible with both actual demands for standards to be followed and that the internet should be open. The open standards are what allowed so many devs of all classes/nationalities/ages/etc to create so many cool things when barriers like money and copyright are removed. Now Google is the Microsoft of the internet and they only respect the rights of corps and rich fucks that don’t create anything. Just digital rights versions of landlords. We wouldn’t have the options we have now if we waited for those copyrights holders to stop us from just doing shit with technology.

  • d-RLY?@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlTrue
    1 year ago

    This kind of vibe is becoming actually scary from a “no one knows how X actually works, but they are building things that might become problematic later” headspace. I am not saying that everyone needs to know everything. But one really really bad issue I see while fixing people’s PCs is that a shocking amount of high school and college aged folks are really about media creation and/or in comp sci majors. However they come to me with issues that make me question how they are able to function in knowing so many things that all involve computers, but not the computers themselves.

    These next paragraphs are mostly a rant about how the OSes are helping make the issue grow with all users and not just the above. Also more ranting about frustration and concern about no one caring about fundamentals of how the things they make their stuff on function. Feel free to skip and I am marking as a “spoiler” to make things slightly less “wall of text”.


    Some of it is the fault of the OSes all trying to act like smartphone OSes. Which do everything possible to remove the ability to really know where all your actual data is on the device. Just goes on there with a “trust me bro, I know where it is so you don’t need to” vibe. I have unironically had someone really really need a couple of specific files. And their answer to me when I asked if they knew where they might be saved was “on the computer.” Which was mildly funny to see them react when my face led to them saying “which I guess is beyond not helpful.” I eventually convinced him to freaking try signing into OneDrive like I had told him to do while I checked his local drive files. Which turns out it was not on the PC but in fact OneDrive. That was a much more straight forward moment. Microsoft tricking people into creating Microsoft Accounts and further tricking them into letting OneDrive replace “Documents”, “Desktop”, and “Pictures” local folders at setup is a nightmare when trying to help older folks (though even younger folks don’t even notice that they are actually making a Microsoft Account either). Which means if I just pull a drive out of a not booting computer those folders don’t exist in the User’s folder. And if the OneDrive folder is there, the data is mostly just stubs of actual files. Which means they are useless, and can be bad if the person only had a free account and it got too full and there is now data that may be lost due to those folders not “really” being present.

    They know how to use these (to me) really complicated programs and media devices. They know how to automate things in cool ways. Create content or apps that I will just never wrap my mind around. So I am not over here calling them stupid and just “dunking” on them. But they don’t care or just refuse to learn the basic hardware or even basic level troubleshooting (a lot is just a quick Google search away). They know how to create things, but not ask how the stuff that they use to create things works. So what will happen when the folks that know how things work are gone and all people know is how to make things that presuppose that the other things are functioning? All because the only things that get attention are whatever is new and teaching less and less the foundations. Pair that with things being so messed up that “fake it till you make it” is a real and honest mantra and means only fools will give actual credentials on their resumes.

    It is all about getting a title of a job, without knowing a damn thing about what is needed to do the job. It also means so many problems that were solved before are needing to be re-solved as if it was brand new. Or things that were already being done are “innovated” by people with good BS-ing skills in obtuse ways that sound great but just add lots of busy work. To which the next “innovator” just puts things back to before and are seen as “so masterful.” History and knowing how things work currently matter in making real advancements. If a coder just learns to always use functions or blobs of other projects without knowing what is in them. Then they could base basically everything on things that if are abandoned or purged will make their things no longer work.

    Given how quickly “professionals” from so so many industries are just simply relying on these early AI/MLs without question. They don’t verify if the information they got was factually true and can be cited from real sources. Instead of seeing that the results were made from the AI/MLs doing shit they have been taught to do. Which is to try and create things based on the “vibe” of actual data. The image generators are all about the attempts to take random prompts and compare to actual versions of things and make something kind of similar. But the text based ones are treated so differently and taken at a scary level of face value and trusted. And it is getting worse with so many “trusted” media outlets beginning to use these systems to make articles.

  • It is making my somewhat impulsive need to actually download copies of things make sense again. Obviously have had some kind of “b” folder for random memes for years alongside my movies/tv shows/music/etc. Initially it was because streaming and shit was not as big a thing, and even when they got popular there are always random times where internet is down. Which that last point is a very very clear sign of the massive digital divide between urban, suburban, and rural areas. Even between different urban areas you see a huge difference. All these services are made in major tech centres where it is like network access is about as plentiful as air. But are a constant issue for everywhere else.

    I even like to respond to folks that don’t understand the point of actually saving pr0n with all the modern options, by saying you never know when a basic outage might be something big. And so long as the drives and computers are working, it is basically its own currency for trade.

    Given how all the streaming services tend to just lose lots of major things all the time. It is good to know that I can just keep enjoying stuff. Cloud stuff is cool so long as it can be used however the users want/need. But all the companies are trying to turn the net (and even basic programs) into being 100% controlled by everyone but the users. Can’t play single player games without being online, but isn’t an issue if pirated. Try to be “legit” and pay for a movie/show/album, but not be able to use it with a player you like or just have a local copy. AND they still scoop-up all kinds of data on us and everyone we might know. Pay for a steaming service doesn’t even remove ads anymore unless you can justify the higher tier (digital caste system). But then they just make all the options cost more even if ads are present.

    Now we are seeing it get harder and harder to even have basic internet culture that is user generated. We are seeing costs that promise more ability to get these things go higher and higher without then being able to do any of said things. We need to get more things onto decentralized and P2P networks while there is time to figure them out. I2P and Fediverse are great starting points, but need to be easy enough for actual normies to use. And they really only work at an acceptable rate if lots of people keep things like laptops and desktops running as often as possible to keep data moving. Which will make them immediate targets for all the same companies that came after them before the current services were considered “approved.”