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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • All of your issues can be solved by a backup. My host went out of business. I set up a new server, pulled my backups, and was up and running in less than an hour.

    I’d recommend docker compose. Each service gets its own folder inside your docker folder. All volumes are a folder in the services folder. Each night, run a script that stops all of them, starts duplicati, backs up to a remote server or webdav share or whatever, and then starts them back up again. If you want to be extra safe, back up to two locations. It’s not that complicated if it’s just your own services.

  • There’s no forgetting where I have something hosted. If I ssh to service.domain.tld I’m on the right server. My services are all in docker compose. All in a ~/docker/service folder, that contains all the volumes for the service. If there’s anything that needed doing, like setting up a docker network or adding a user in the cli, I have a readme file in the service’s root directory. If I need to remember literally anything about the server or service, there’s an appropriately named text file in the directory I would be in when I need to remember it.

    If you just want a diagram or something, there are plenty of services online that will generate one in ASCII for you so you can make yourself a nice “network topology” readme to drop in your servers’ home directory.

  • Landlords are familiar with utility install people and how unpredictable they can be. Even if they get mad, this will put the blame squarely on someone else so it’s probably a good option for you. “I dunno why he put it there. You know how utility guys are. It’s the only place he’d put my hookup.”

  • constantokra@lemmy.onetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetworking Dilemma
    23 days ago

    Second this. Landlords don’t want their stuff screwed up by inexperienced tenants’ diy projects, and they don’t want to pay for something they think it’s unnecessary. I’d get an estimate for a pro to do it (could be a guy off Craigslist or whatever, just someone who does this for a living) and then just ask the landlord if they’d be alright with you paying to get it done. They’ll probably want to know exactly what they’re going to do, and they’ll likely say yes, especially since you say they already have coax running through the house.

  • I work in a technical field, and the amount of bad work I see is way higher than you’d think. There are companies without anyone competent to do what they claim to do. Astonishingly, they make money at it and frequently don’t get caught. Sometimes they have to hire someone like me to fix their bad work when they do cause themselves actual problems, but that’s much less expensive than hiring qualified people in the first place. That’s probably where we’re headed with ais, and honestly it won’t be much different than things are now, except for the horrible dystopian nature of replacing people with machines. As time goes on they’ll get fed the corrections competent people make to their output and the number of competent people necessary will shrink and shrink, till the work product is good enough that they don’t care to get it corrected. Then there won’t be anyone getting paid to do the job, and because of ais black box nature we will completely lose the knowledge to perform the job in the first place.

  • I’m getting a bit concerned with logseq. It’s just kind of backwards to have a web app packaged as a desktop/android app that can be hosted on a server, but you can’t store your files there. I get that they want to monetize sync, but they’re kind of bending over backwards here to not have what’s inherently a pretty reasonable feature in a web based app, and it makes me concerned about what they’re going to do with the project in the future.

  • I can see how he’d be upset by it, and I don’t think it’s about lack of control. It’s like the people writing the character said Takei is just SO damn gay that they have to make everything he’s ever touched gay. Like the gay’s contagious. He’s contaminating characters with his gayness. Some people actually think that’s the way it works. Given his age i’m sure he’s seen enough of that to be upset by the implication. He’s an individual who’s lived a long and interesting life, not just some big gay caricature. Though he’s definitely that too.

    George takei aside, i’m all for making more characters gay. Dial it all the way up. Sure worked for the she ra reboot.