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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I’ve really been waiting for gas stations to jump in on this. Tying it to vehicle manufacturers just doesn’t make that much sense to me, not nearly as much sense as using the companies whose mission is already to deliver energy to vehicles. You need a tiny fraction of the infra for electric charging that you need to supply gas. Shell or Chevron could EASILY ink deals with, say, Starbucks, to put one or two chargers in every Starbucks parking lot in the country and just sit back and laugh as the money rolls in. And yet, they just keep pushing for exclusively fossil fuels.

  • AFAICT, the charger network is a huge part of Tesla’s value proposition. Laying off the entire 500 person team like this is going to be a massive, massive disruption no matter what anyone says, you can’t just patch it with [checks notes] an entirely different team. It’s going to take that new team months to get up to date, put out fires, find their bearings, etc. and by that point, issues are already snowballing. The rapport and contacts problem is also going to be enormous; basically shit canning all of the company’s industry/logistics ambassadors is what, in any other light, would be called a disaster. This is going to be a clusterfuck, and that’s before any competitors interested in starting their own charger network start scooping these newly available specialists up.

    It’s incredible to see this man still idolized, even by bosses and other execs, as he tanks not just one but two household name businesses AT THE SAME TIME.

  • Yeah. I’m in favor of universal healthcare, but at this point I think it’d be more likely that California wraps up High Speed Rail construction next year. I have no idea why so many people are so willing to defend our completely broken-ass system; dealing with the insurance company is arguably worse than dealing with the DMV. At least you know the DMV aren’t trying to fuck you to pay for a new mega yacht, they’re just fucking you because those are the rules.

  • Yeah, all the insurers are pushing for vertical integration of pharmacies and using their mail order pharmacy. Check out Dr.Glaucomflecken on Youtube, he does short, witty, educational dives into this bullshit. We tried using the mail order pharmacy for my kids’ ADHD meds and it was fucking terrible. Federal law prohibits filling refills until we’re out or very nearly out, and they have one distribution center on the opposite coast from us, and they’re having standard shipping to ship these meds. You do the math on that one.

    Like much of big corporate America, they want the fat payouts without putting in the legwork to actually make a better product that people will choose on their own, so they just hamper competition and make shit worse for everyone to make line go up a little faster.

  • It’s not even like the kind of phenomenally bad that you have to try, it’s just the most completely mediocre fried chicken you can imagine. Last couple times I tried it (in laws always order it when we visit for some reason), it’s been soggy with grease, not even crispy, and all the oil stops you from really tasting anything. You might as well just slop some bread crumbs into some vegetable oil if you really want the KFC experience.

  • I’d like you to meet windows 11. Windows 11 bricked my Alienware computer for two weeks until I said fuck it and installed Linux. They pushed an update that triggered the Bitlocker secure boot policy, which is annoying but not a problem. Except that the Bitlocker recovery key page on Microsoft’s website has been down for over a month. There’s other users like me who’ve had their machines bricked because Microsoft fucked up a webpage and can’t be assed to do a git revert. It took me hours of navigating Microsoft’s intentionally terrible support pages to figure out how to talk to a person (over IM, phone support is not a thing anymore), another 40 minutes to get a support tech on the chat, and then they told me that basically my options are to wait or wipe the drives and re-install windows 11.

    I didn’t want to wipe my drives, I liked my drives, but I’m not going to just let a machine sit there and be bricked for three months until Microsoft can be assed to un-brick it. So, I wiped the drives and installed mint. I can’t play all the games I used to (I can access probably 75% of my game library) but the performance is WAY better, like, obviously and shockingly better. Turns out that Bitlocker throttles your SSD performance significantly, and it also helps when your OS isn’t trying to both run a game and send your delicious, delicious data to ad servers or whatever.

    And windows wants even more live service dependencies with 12? Fuck that. I’ve been with them since '95, but I won’t follow them there. 11’s live service dependencies have been a disaster, and I can’t see myself getting excited about even more of that.