My experience does not reflect yours. Computer Architecture, Discrete Math (logic gate math), and Operating System Concepts were all required classes in my CS degree from just a few years ago.
My experience does not reflect yours. Computer Architecture, Discrete Math (logic gate math), and Operating System Concepts were all required classes in my CS degree from just a few years ago.
These things can’t think and they don’t reason no matter what they call the model. Toddlers can do both of those things.
Until we have another breakthrough at the level of neural networks AI will only be as good as the sum total of the training data and therefore only as good (or bad) as humans can be, never better.
I don’t understand it. It’s like people don’t just want AI to be the next big thing, they NEED it to be the next big thing. Suggesting that current AI is about as useful as NFTs is personally insulting for some reason.
Betas outlived VHSs by several years. It wasn’t Betas that caused Sony to act like that with BluRays, it was DATs.
The Internet will continue to function just fine, just as it has for 50 years. It’s the World Wide Web that is on fire. Pretty much has been since a bunch of people who don’t understand what Web 2.0 means decided they were going to start doing “Web 3.0” stuff.