I deeply appreciated seeing some on-screen Enterprise love, because I feel like Enterprise gets a bum wrap.
I deeply appreciated seeing some on-screen Enterprise love, because I feel like Enterprise gets a bum wrap.
I haven’t gotten around to Lower Decks, but this episode was simply brilliant even for me. Just sublime all around.
Couldn’t agree more. I despise musical episodes.
Controversial opinion, but I was disappointed to see such a shitty show so high on the list.
E: when I checked the show at the top of the list was Seinfeld. I see it’s LA Law now, my feelings against which are much less extreme. 😝
All in all I’d say each of the listed changes were for the best.
I think it’s because it’s so different from any of the other Star Trek themes, even from the rest of the Berman era. It’s bright, bouncy, optimistic, and bombastic. DS9 and Voyager were both more sweeping and majestic, and the movie themes each skewed more melodic.
The franchise hasn’t really captured the same energy in a theme since, either.
Something I’ve become increasingly concerned about with SNW is how giving Spock a series’ worth of screen time and development before his time in TOS might put him “ahead” of where he’s supposed to be in his pursuit to understand his humanity.
I hope that the goal is to make him more appreciative of his Vulcan heritage over the course of SNW to explain why he’s so all-in on it by the time TOS starts.
I couldn’t agree more. It feels like lazy storytelling, and I actually appreciated this episode for not resorting to that kind of fakery. It’s setup was strong enough to be its own thing. I respect that a lot.
It may not be the best episode or even my favourite, but I adore it as a finale for the show and basically think of it as my favourite finale of any show
I get misty just thinking about the last scene.
“Five card stud, nothing wild… and the sky’s the limit.”
No one’s shown any love for my favourite ship design yet, so I’m gonna speak up about my love for the Intrepid class. Voyager just looked so sleek and graceful compared to other ships of the era — the comparatively lumbering Galaxy glass, the oddly square shaped Defiant class, or the cold and sterile Sovereign class.
I don’t recall the program’s author being mentioned, much less it being attributed to Pike. 🤔