The unmaintained repo has a link in the readme pointing to the best fork
I may make some grammar mistakes, but remind you, english is not my main language. I am very interested in learning, so feel free to correct me in a polite manner.
The unmaintained repo has a link in the readme pointing to the best fork
lmao these comments
Idk why you are down voted. He made deals with famous websites/sellers, PPPs. And Lula’s government never was far left. Lula always tried to satisfy both parties. He does politics very well in that sense, better than any other president. That’s where’s Haddad’s enters with recent programs. Who benefited the most from the car discount? Cars up to 120k. The max property value of housing program went from 200k to 400k. Why the government is giving subsidy to people in the middle/upper class?
Graças a Deus comprei meu RPi 4b na pandemia. Paguei só os 600 com case, cartão de memória 64gb, fonte e cabo HDMI.
It’s not formated correctly. Lemmy devs, please. This is top priority fix.
Wow. I was just thinking about making a community driven video tagger, so you can have specifics about a video that are missed in the usual tagging. How does this work in online videos? Will download when I get home.
gotta cooooommmm
KDE stands for KDE is not a Desktop Environment.