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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


    1. Yes, but devil’s advocate: you also need a program to text files, needing a program to read sqlite files is not worse.

    2. I am confused by your requirements. Why do you need to store your data as json or XML? Would it suit your requirements to read in text files, convert to sqlite for processing and then save as a text file? What do you gain by being able to edit the files in a text editor, as opposed to a table editor? Do you maybe just need a config file (e.g. in toml format) and don’t actually do much data processing?

  • I feared as much, because the same could be said about your comment above.

    I already mentioned git send-email in my comment. But the ux of that is terrible. So if you want good UX you’re in account hell, having to create a new profile for every hosting site.

    You can have a nice, terms of service free but read only forge, or you have terms of service and account bullshit or you can have the dev experience of git send email. Choose one of the three and until we have federation they are all terrible in some aspect.

    1. You can use other forges, but they have the exact same issues as GitHub. You need to make an account, you need to accept terms of service and if they feel like it (or are forced by a court) they’ll ban you and your repository.

    2. git send-email exists. So it’s not like you absolutely can’t contribute to projects that are hosted on GitHub.

    At some point in the future gitlab will get federation, but that’s not a solution for now. It’ll take a while.

  • Turun@feddit.detoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldTarallo - selfhostable FOSS Trello alternative
    3 months ago

    A basic image is really easy. It’s basically just


    FROM debian  # start with a minimal Linux system. There are probably better options than debian. Some images are made especially for docker (i.e. very minimal and light weight). 
    RUN apt install dependencies  # do what ever you need to get your app running. 
    RUN echo "options and stuff" >> /etc/a/config/file  # you can also edit system files
    COPY . /app  # copy your project into the docker container.
    EXPOSE 8080  # doesn't actually do anything, but documents where the app will be listening
    CMD server-binary run /app/main.php  # I have actually no idea how php server stuff works

    (Docs https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/)

    Then people can run your project with docker.

    Edit: checking the readme some small changes would be required. Config.php should read in environment variables and the DB init SQL should be run automatically somehow.

  • A new database specifically designed for financial transactions.

    I’m not an expert on finance software, so I can’t critically assert how good they really are. But they claim much much higher throughput than traditional databases, higher fault tolerance, self healing networks if several replicas are running, etc.
    From a purely technical standpoint it’s interesting for being written in zig. Because the database scope is so narrow they know exactly how much memory they will need on startup and just allocate all required memory on startup and never allocate more, nor free the aquired memory.

  • They never would have been able to get the same performance from any solution that incorporates a general purpose database.

    Their requirements/explicitly-not-required-ments include that it’s fine to drop 1s of data. That would be an insane proposition for any other database. Also their read/write rates and latency requirements are unusual to say the least.

    It’s the same thing as tiger beetle. Ridiculously narrow domains allow for ridiculous performance improvements compared to of-the-shelf solutions.