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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I have to use an iPad for work. I was also forced to use one of their phones as a while back. I have unhappily used the iOS system for about 7 years now.

    A few additional things:

    I have attempted to use multitasking on it. Every update changed it’s behavior and they are all unintuitive. I gave up and use my phone for the second task.

    The settings menu can burn in hell. It’s an absolute hot mess that’s worse than anything else I have seen.

    I use a Bluetooth keyboard at times. In order to use it I have to leave an annoying floating “accessibility” circle on the screen when it’s not connected. In order to turn it off, it’s buried somewhere in the hellish settings menu.

    Apps crash about 2x more often on it than on any other system I have used. Especially after an update before the inevitable small fix comes out a few weeks later.

    The updates go through an endless cycle of adding bugs then killing bugs then adding new bugs. One of my favorites bug was when I had the phone years ago. They somehow broke the search functions in contacts and took them 4 months to fix it. My company had loaded 3,000 corporate contacts Into the phone… Fun times.

    Then there are all the hidden gestures that are completely illogical. I turn gestures off on my android phone for a reason.

  • Unless the program you need is not in the store, which, for some reason is still normal for the programs I want to use. Then it’s back to the stupid tar.bz bullshit and typing in random shit I found on the internet into the command line hoping it works.

    Every 2-3 years, I get fed up with the bullshit Windows is doing and test out a few distros in a vain hope it’s finally usable. Then for some random thing I have to hit the command line and inevitable failure to accomplish what I want to do. So I unistall the OS and wait a few more years.

  • I have messed around with Linux for 20 years. In all that time it’s always been completely unsuable for most users. The use of the command line for anything routine is complete bullshit.

    All I want to do is download a program and click on it to install. How fucking hard is that. I am not a programmer and have zero desire to be one.

    I do not want to go to the command line and try to fucking remember the sudo bullshit and fail because I missed one letter in the sintax.

    Just let me use the fucking computer for the tasks I need to do, not fuck around with the OS.

  • I get spam to my work account saying that they got my information from LinkedIn. The e-mail I use on linkedin is a spam collection account that I never use for anything real. I check it every couple of months and delete the entire inbox.

    The only place they could get my contact information is one of my suppliers has a shitty webpage design with my info listed. Easy for a bot to scrape and sell.

    My current theory is that the professional “sales list” data collection companies are running scraped data against Linkedin data and claiming it came from there.

    I get e-mails from from companies who want to sell “sales lead” lists to me as well as a few poorly targeted fools who bought the “sales lead” list from them.