Spook = ghost (aka a soul unhoused a living body)
Spook = ghost (aka a soul unhoused a living body)
K8s is great, but you’re chaning the subject and not answering OPs question. Containers =/= VMs.
Don’t feed the trolls.
I’m pretty sure everyone here understands both sides of the argument, but just don’t concider it important enough to change their vocabulary.
I wouldn’t mix 5400 rpm drives with 7200 rpm drives, but if the rpm & sizes are the same, there won’t be any measurable performance loss.
This is why mandatory access control is so important.
Or just left click to highlight & middle click to paste.
Walmart shoppers: Hold my big gulp…
But what if we are all NPCs?
You are still correct! The letters I & n are the first letters on Index.
Oh no! It looks like an electron app.
I use migadu and am happy with them. I do wish they had another tier between $19 and $90.
I have a couple domains that are very low volume for outgoing mail. I use Migadu. I’m happy with their cheapest tier ($19/year for both domains). They have catch-alls and many other nice features.
Edit: They have no hard limits on the number of addresses, users, or domains and such. They just want you to be reasonable. You choose a tier based on your average quantity of outgoing mails per day. Again, there are no hard limits; they won’t cut you off unless you abuse the system.
In old FORTAN variable starting with I…N are integers. This is how the practice began.
It’s off center so people won’t walk over it.
I have 2 servers that backup to each other. I also use B2 for photos and important stuff.
I’ve been running tiny tiny rss (aka ttrss) on a vps for well over 10 years. It’s been rock solid through many upgrades. It’s got a great web interface & android app. There’s a decent sized community for it. The only drawback is that primary dev (fox) does not tolerate (what he conciders) dumb questions. The new docker compose deployment is brain-dead simple.
I’ve got a 3 node cluster. They are a hodge-podge of weak, old hardware. Yes, it’s worth it. Don’t worry about HA and automatic migration. It’s nice to have a single interface to all the nodes. Also look into the proxmox backup server (PBS). It’s a very nice backup system.
Sheet music carved in stone