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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • That would be such a mistake and only serve to cause more division, because as you say, the UK would never accept it. Neither would multiple countries already in the EU that also use their own currency.

    The EU, generally, are pragmatic. They’d much rather get other concessions than wasting political capital on trying to enforce the Euro on the UK.

    E: downvote all you like, but that’s realpolitik. The EU isn’t going to pass up the second largest economy in the continent over something so trivial that they don’t even pressure much smaller countries into it. Pure fantasy from people who don’t have a clue.

  • I think they mean they immediately know which button to press as in press the one that they’re designing the pop-up around encouraging you not to press.

    i.e. “that button is given far less emphasis and made less convenient to press, so it must be the good one.”

    I’d call that shitty. It’s not that the design is good, it’s that the above person has become so accustomed to navigating this shitty dark pattern that it has become ingrained in how they use computers.

    Kinda like gaining the experience of knowing which download link is the real one on a website full of fake download buttons. The fact that we can pick out the real one with a moment’s thought doesn’t make that any less of a scummy design move.

  • It’s worse because she’s telepathic - she knows the advances are unwanted and makes people uncomfortable, and yet she does it anyway.

    On top of that, she’s a very important Federation ambassador. People might feel pressured into keeping her happy.

    I have a feeling that if she were of a different sex people would view her relentless unwanted sexual advances quite differently.

    But I guess “man trying to avoid sexual advances of horny older woman” was seen as being a hilarious role reversal on 90s TV.

    She did have some amazing scenes though. She can certainly act when she gets a serious scene as opposed to a sex pest scene.

  • Yup. This is my problem with it.

    IMO, once Neelix and Tuvok stop existing, they are dead. They have no consciousness, they aren’t around. They’re gone. They’re ex-people. They’re not sad about the situation, because they no longer exist. There’s no brain there to process any of this. Once you are dead, you don’t have a right to live, especially not if it means the death of another.

    Tuvix, on the other hand, existed. He was conscious, self aware, intelligent, alive. He was dragged, crying, begging for his life, pleading for anybody to step in and stop him from being murdered. Then he was killed to bring two people back to life.

    Now I know people will say “but 2 is more than 1, so it’s fine to kill him”, but that’s never sat right with me. What was that Picard speech about arithmetic not being a good reason for discarding the rights of sentient beings?

    Tbh I’m astounded the Star Trek community is massively on the “murder of an innocent is ok if it saves more people and he’s a little ugly” side

  • I mean, that logic was only ever applied by the Vulcans as a personal choice/sacrifice, not something to be enforced by the barrel of a… er… phaser.

    Spock sacrificed himself, it wasn’t done forcibly against his will. Kirk didn’t order the execution of one man so that others could live.

    I don’t think we should take a slogan as an absolute moral lesson, you can justify all kinds of evil with it.

    E.g. your organs could save dozens of lives. Would it be right to pin you down, kill you, and remove them, so that others can live? Surely one life lost is a worthy price to pay? The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, after all.

    Ethics are a lot more complex than a catchy slogan.

  • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteJust a little bit
    6 months ago

    We’re talking thinking something, at a moment of extreme stress and anger, after everybody on the planet he lived on was killed, including his wife.

    We aren’t talking someone physically doing something.

    You’ve never had any intrusive thought, ever? Can you affirm that you wouldn’t have an angry thought even if everybody on Earth was murdered, including loved ones?