Yeah, me to, so I decided to finally watch it and decided his channel is pretty interesting. Sure he’s pretty ‘microsofty’ (i.e. not seeing any faults in the company) but other than that he presents his topics well.
Yeah, me to, so I decided to finally watch it and decided his channel is pretty interesting. Sure he’s pretty ‘microsofty’ (i.e. not seeing any faults in the company) but other than that he presents his topics well.
David Plummer, he has a YouTube channel “Dave’s garage” he has a couple of videos dedicated to Taskmanager and even a look at the source for his first version. That and other cool stuff on windows and other tech.
Wow, I just read the wiki. It has a 64 Megabyte tape storage, so after it realigns the antenna they can receive the data they’ve missed. Pretty state of the art for 1977. I wonder how they shielded it from radiation. The fuel source of the reactor lasts probably until 2026. After that, it’ll travel as a brick, most likely long after humans rm -rf’d