Remember to give her your bank account details. It will make everything easier.
Remember to give her your bank account details. It will make everything easier.
see, first you find the folder that contains the code files for the control panel, and there will be like, 5 of them, each with something like 2000 lines of code, except for one that had 15000
lines of code and I never found out why. Once you find the C++ code file for the specific subsection of the control panel, you must then find the appropriate XAML file that is matched up to this code file, and then search through it to find another dropdown box element you can copy and paste because no one actually knows how any of this works. Then you have to go into a resource file and find a very specific resource ID for your control panel string, and create a new resource ID to tie it to. Then, you must find all the relevent C++ code tying the dropdown you copied, and copy and paste all that code, but this time, modify the hooks so it gets tied to your new dropdown. Then you have to run through 2 seperate specialized compilers to compile the resource files, and if ANYTHING GOES WRONG, literally ANYTHING, the ONLY ERROR YOU GET BACK is this:
So after you run around screaming for a DAY because there is no explanation for what the fuck is going on, you give it to your coworker, who discovers that every single number in the resource file must increase by exactly 1, and if there are any holes in those numbers, everything fails completely.
Sounds like people need to pray to the Omnissah for guidance on how the code works.
I feel like this is a shit post.
Prices go up and stay up.
I’m always born January 1. What year? Who knows!
For an interest free loan!*
*If the loan is not repaid back by the end of the term, we will crush your country in debt and seize all natural resources to pay it back.
It’s all about projection.
I’m glad my workplace has a cat. Although, the cat does cat like things at the most inopportune moments.
“In manual fulfillment centres, Jane would walk around the warehouse. That would be tiring—she could easily do 15 or 16 km per day, often more—but at least she would see people,” the report states. “In a robotic fulfillment centre, associates in pick work at fixed stations, with just the robots for company.”
I remember someone on Lemmy linking to a story about how AI effectively isolated workers from their colleagues in order to be “efficient”. Now, I see it as a way to break solidarity between workers.
If we regrow teeth, we can regrow bone, muscle, and nerves. Almost immediately, that technology will be privatized and only the rich will be able to afford it.
Capitalism will say “Fuck you poors”.
Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
One flop and they’re axed?
I think this comes from the mindset that if someone isn’t generating immediate success. It’s time to fire them. We see this a lot in sports. Team off to a terrible start with a new coach? Fire the coach and start trading players.
It really highlights how organizations see people as disposable. If people don’t make line go brrr, out the door they go.
Profit line must always go brrrrr!
It’s people downvoting because “Religion = bad”.
When in reality it should be “Religion = institutions and institutions can be either good or bad or mix of both.”
Edit: Spelling
Not an issue when you don’t use Adobe.
Shrinkflation is the worse. Not only is it a sneaking price hike, it’s like the company is trying to gaslight you into thinking it was always that size.
He talked about electric cars. I don’t know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.
Then he talked about rockets. I don’t know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.
Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard anyone say, so when people say he’s a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.
Rod Hilton about Elon Musk.
Fine, I will go somewhere where I am appreciated.
Heroin has left the chat
If the hitchhiker looks sketchy, the rule is always pick them up.