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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • She*, and she stole a real (straight, married, with children) man’s identity to use as hypothetical. The whole thing should be absolutely thrown out by a higher court - the court of the people.

    Also, what happens if a scotus judge is assassinated? Like for real, what if a terrorist straight up murders one? If it’s the president, the vice president takes over, and if them… There’s like a power list for that. But, what about a scotus? Does the standing president just get to pick one again? Or is there a list of rank? Or is it like monarchy where the judge has a written will or a say over who replaces them? Goddamn; why do we even have this shitty system.

  • Back in 2017 or whatever that North American solar eclipse was, I drove down to Bend Oregon to view it. After, there was bumper to bumper traffic almost the whole way north, back to Seattle, WA. There was literal bumper to bumper traffic from Bend, OR to Issaquah, WA. That was almost 350 miles and took basically an entire day. It was horrible having to pee on the side of the road in bumper to bumper traffic in the middle of nowhere. Protip? Don’t try to drink the Gatorade just to have a pee bottle.

  • Yeah, huh. It’s weird how that happened. Disney, ruiner of many small companies and destroyer of the purpose of copyright law on a deeply greedy level, goes against a sociopath nazi white nationalist, probably kkk.

    Ten years ago, I liked Disney stuff but hated what they’ve done to the freedom of law and ruining the opportunities of many.

    But here we are, post-2016 trump era, the world is way, way worse, and my activist political aunt was right.

    She said to me, back then at a family get together after dinner, that electing trump is an extremely scary thing and would be bad.

    I asked her what’s the worst that could really happen.

    She kinda stared back at me, as if to gauge what to say. Then said that he was the type of person that brings all the awful things out from under their rocks, and told me to keep my eyes open and pay attention, because if he got elected, the next 4 years will be the type of history that only happens once in a lifetime.

    She was 100% serious, as if she could see the future. But she was just in her 60s, big gay, from DC, and confident and loud. I can still see the the look of dread and sorrow on her face as she said that to me, and I doubt I’ll ever forget it.

    Power typically begets more power, and the only way to fix it is to forcefully bend it to your will over and over again. I can’t believe Disney is where our trust is for civil rights, but, I guess it can always be worse and Disney knows that and is using us for support. It’s not great.

    Fuck spez.

    It’s like boomer sociopaths grew old enough in their time, and were like “yeah, ruin everything, yeah yeah”. But then millennial sociopaths grew old enough and are now like, “hold my coke…” Can we reign this shit in for the future generations at least? Because it’s awful.