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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • btw grafana does make connections out, at least for when installing plugins, possibly more.

    if you are not in the EU, they even load fucking fecesbook scripts on their main website! a few months ago that was happening in the EU too. if you’re in the EU, you can see it for yourself with thea VPN or the Tor browser, request a new circuit until the bottom one is USA or something like that, and check the network traffic with the devtools (reload the site if you don’t see it there)

    even if this is not the case in the EU (for now), there are no excuses for doing this. no, letting your website be handled solely by marketing heads is not an excuse.

  • Several law firms have pursued this option, one of which was sued by Valve for allegedly attempting to “extort” the company with a threat of mass arbitration with more than 50,000 people. (This lawsuit was dismissed in August without prejudice, meaning Valve could re-file.)

    The idea is that the sheer number of arbitration cases would force Valve to settle with all of them with the same resolution, instead of arbitrating them all individually. Arbitration is usually less expensive than litigation, but on this mass scale, it can easily become overwhelming for the company the disputes are with. “In states like California where businesses must pay most of the arbitration fees in a consumer claim, the business would be required to pay a filing fee for each individual claimant,” Steinberg said. “With fees of approximately $1,500 per claim, a claim with thousands of individuals could cost millions in filing fees.”

  • I’m not a US citizen, neither of them are safe in any amount. Speaking of that, my country has ever increasing chinese influence, imported by our most corrupt goverment ever, along with loans that we will pay for decades, if not for longer. Chinese surveillance tech is appearing everywhere, like hundres of hikvision cameras.

    I don’t think I’m a minority here.

    I also don’t want to buy a Tesla ever, neither travel in one, and I’m pretty confident with today’s climate that I won’t ever have a car.
    I dont want to travel to the US, but to china even less so.
    The wrongdoings of the US does not make china any better of an option.

  • to the same note, you shouldn’t upload images of them anywhere. not facebook, not google (drive or any other service), not facebook messenger, but not even anywhere encrypted.

    take the images with a regular camera, or a phone that does not give any apps storage access permissions, and have physical prints, which can be viewed every time they visit you. you will need to tell them they can’t take photos of the children nor the photo album. this has worked well forag es, they shouldn’t be so entitled to images.
    if I were you, I would require all guests to leave all their phones on a shelf near the main door. It’ll not only prevent photos, but also increase quality time by them not scrolling facebook and such while there.
    before you tell them this, let them know firmly that you’re not doing this for one, but for child safety and basic human rights, and that in your house it’s you who make the rules. and keep in mind, that even when you are the guest, you hold the rights to disallow making pictures of your children until they are old enough to make the decision fur themselves.

    why don’t use even the private cloud services?
    the reason is your relatives who you trusted, will probably download the videos, and reshare them with others through the services you wanted to avoid. also consider that most of them doesn’t have any information hygiene, they won’t even know they are doing something bad, they won’t understand and will hand-wave all your concerns away.
    this is not just a technical problem, but also a people problem, which cannot be solved with tech.

    if your wife does not cooperate, you won’t be able to protect your children to the level you want. of course don’t divorce over that or something, it’s not worth it, you can probably still do lots. maybe over time, going slower and you can be forming your family’s privacy habits.
    but I also have to mention, I wouldn’t want to live with someone who is not intereinterested in any level about personal privacy. if you have got so far that you’re having kids, this is probably not the case for you.

    as last words, don’t take this as a strong “don’t take any pictures” stance. yes, do take pictures, they’ll be very good to have later, but make sure that you can keep control over them, for your children’s safety.
    and don’t get (too) mad if parents in the class will take group pictures on which they are there. that’s something else, and hopefully relatively rare. best you can do with that is teach your children about why they might not want it, the reasons you don’t want it to be uploaded to facebook and such, and that they agree on this they can request the parents to be more careful.