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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’ve always felt like I don’t deserve my role, I climbed the proverbial ladder quick and I am very young for my position (Principal Engineer). But I sleep fine at night because at the end of the day I was always honest with my skills, my intentions and my motivations, and I’m always sure to get full agreement from everyone before doing stuff. If after all that nobody figured out I’m a fucking idiot just making an informed guess, that’s on them.

    I always fear the next company I join will have “real technical leaders” who will inevitably show me my place, but it hasn’t happened so far (3-4 massive companies in the last decade).

    Maybe one day I will meet this person, but it is not this day… And then I try to teach the same to younger engineers to work through problems as a team and just do it until somebody stops you, because in a lot of cases nobody has a clue either, and that’s what it means to lead.

  • Depends on where you are and shipping too. I was able to find this stuff locally (in store pickup) near me for cheaper than amazon. Also the walmart thing. I’m in Canada though, so VPNed to some city in the US and was able to do the same.

    Might take a while to find the goose but I think you can find cheaper than amazon. And as others said, sellers will also change prices for people with subscriptions who don’t check, so I prefer to not rely on that

  • It doesn’t, stop buying on amazon. There are 10000 other stores that will ship great tea to you worldwide. There’s plenty of non-american tea in the americas already.

    Also, on amazon you need to scroll and shop. Everyone knows the same items are available much cheaper down the list, amazon puts the more expensive one’s at the top because people don’t go passed the first pages, assuming it’s garbage results.

    What’s the brand you are looking for?

    Sometimes the smaller dealers are a bit more expensive but at least it’s not to make bezos even richer.

  • I imagine us taking the high seas is “inconsequential”. Until it isn’t at least, all that matter is quarterly earnings, the rest “is next quarter”.

    I suspect it’s like video games, they don’t give a shit if pay to win mechanics drive away interest for the game, they make more than enough off those who do pay. In the long run it will worsen the platform until eventually there will be a crisis (similar to some banana looking motherfucker on reddit), and the CEO of google Sundae Pichu is going to start cutting on pencils and printers at YouTube, while asking government for subsidies lest they slack off a chunk of their workforce and buyback they stock.

    The fucking world we live in

  • This is basically YouTube’s fault. I was one of those who initially did not block the ads to “support” creators I watched, and just used the app. Now they’ve made that completely insufferable and think my alternative is going to be to pay the subscription. Idiots.

    First they started kicking you out of incognito and then add whatever you were watching to your account. It used to be that the video you were watching would also close.

    Then if you don’t skip the first ad, they play a 5 minute ad after with the most obnoxious shit hoping you’re not there to click.

    Then they tripled the amount of ads you have to skip, and making part of them 15-30 seconds unskippable ones. Now ads are about 1/4 of my watch time which is on par with the old cable model.

    The straw that broke the camel’s back is now when you open the app, IT AUTO PLAYS SHORTS FULLSCREEN! At least if it was the creators I normally see in my shorts, but now it’s some garbage trending youtuber I don’t know. AND NOW THAT IVE WATCHED 1 SECOND OF IT THEY ARE NOW RECOMMENDED IN MY CONTENT.

    I used to juggle accounts to focus the algorithm of certain type of videos for certain accounts, and youtube has completely ruined that too. Fuck that, went with the webapps and skipped the ads entirely. Fuck you youtube, you spat on those who gave you the least trouble. Never going back to the app.