Professional Neckbeard

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I have a big boi ProLiant DL380e Gen8 and it’s pretty good as long as you have a dedicated room for it as it’s really loud. If you get them for really cheap like I did (I got mine maxed out for less than 100$), then yeah it’s a good deal.

    It’s not amazing on power consumption either with like 130W at idle… I’d imagine the smaller ones using use less power, but I wouldn’t count on it, as it is still old hardware. However, if the price is right, then it could absolutely be worth it… If you can withstand the noise.

    And looking at the specs of the N36L, for the same price you could very easily scrounge together a custom build from 2nd hand parts, which will be quieter, faster and most likely use less power…

  • My tip for saving money: buy as much as possible 2nd hand. You do not need the latest of latest gen hardware for a NAS/Homelab. This is excluding storage, and ESPECIALLY hard drives. Those you should absolutely buy new.

    As for setting it up… My recommendation is to use TrueNAS scale with either RAIDz1 or RAIDz2, giving you either 1 or 2 drives of parity, in case something fails…

    As for remote access, you can run a wireguard VPN server in a VM, allowing you to access it from anywhere, as long as you’re connected to said VPN.

  • For my main server only… If HP iLO is to be believed, averaging around 130W.

    Running: deluge, homarr, jellyfin, lidarr, navidrome, nextcloud, prowlarr, sonarr, whoogle and a minecraft server (VM) on TrueNAS Scale.

    As for everything else (my router, switch and DNS/DHCP server, which is a separate machine, you can add another maybe 50W on top of it…