Rexxitor. Biology nerd. Roguelites, indie games, and TRPGs. Drowning in unused yarn, unread books, and mandatory cat hair.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It can be a little stressful even for me. And yes, the inventory management is atrocious btw, it’s a common complaint.

    Like someone else mentioned, you can always pay a little to respec if you find out a character doesn’t have the stats to do what you’re wanting/what they’re built to do. That does require gold, and it is something that needs to be read up on and ultimately taken for a test ride to see if it’s even fun for you. That many options can feel really daunting.

    But I think with enough cleverness, the game can be won with almost anything. Just last night, I watched a playthrough of a guy who had challenged himself to beat the game without killing anyone or manipulating anyone else to kill them for him, and he did it.

    Whole game. The only NPC he had no way around personally harming could still be knocked out and left alive. He tricked the end boss into murdering itself through careful use of explosive barrels and he himself never fired a shot — a super cheesy fighting tactic common enough that the term “barrelmancy” is a thing.

    I’m not gonna say there won’t be reloads, but there are a multitude of ways to handle most if not all altercations. Some things can be talked out of, or allies sought to help.

    If not, it could be a huge, horrible fight taken head-on for the awful fun of it, or you could sneak up and thunderwave them into a hole and be done with it. Covertly poison the lot. Command them to drop their own weapon and then take it, and giggle while they flail their fists at you. Cast light on the guy with a sun sensitivity and laugh harder at their own personal hell.

    You could sneak around back and take the high ground, triggering the battle by firing the first shot from a vantage point the enemy will take 4 rounds to reach through strategically placed magical spikes.

    I passed one particularly worrying trial by just turning the most powerful opponent into a sheep until every other enemy was dead and I could gang up on them. Cleared another fight sitting entirely in the rafters where they had trouble hitting me, and shoved them to their death when one found a way up.

    Going straight into a battle is the most expected way to do it, but there are usually shenanigans that can be played, is what I’m saying. Accept with grace the attempts that don’t work. If the rules of engagement seem unfair, change the rules.

    If it helps any, the game does also reward xp fairly generously. Just reaching new/hidden areas grants a little bit, to say nothing of side quests.

    That guy I was talking about, the one that finished with zero kills, ended the game at level 10. The level cap is 12. That was all just wandering around, doing stuff that didn’t require fighting.

    Know which stat each class mainly uses and focus on that. Do not make the mages wear armor, it is not a happy fun experience. Beyond that, be clever and moderately lucky with your cleverness. You’ll be fine.

    It’s a lot to get used to and does take time to be familiar with all your options, but I started out not very far above where you sound like you are. You do get used to it if you take your time, and I’m certain most people would be overjoyed to help.

  • I’m not so sure. I’ve not played the first two to be able to measure between them, but I do recall thinking that if I hadn’t been so into watching videos of other peoples’ dnd campaigns, I would be so helplessly far out of my depth.

    As it was, I was already struggling a little bit with which class was best for my likely playstyle. Who can use what armor, why, and what happens when they don’t. What skills go with what stats. The general info they don’t have a need to go over when you’re not the one at the table.

    Those aren’t things OP would know enough about to even know they don’t know, so I’m glad they have someone helping them. I don’t consider myself anything remotely resembling intelligent and they’re starting out with less. For being easily one of the best things I’ve played in years, it would feel impossibly daunting for a noob

  • The post can, yeah. The predictability with which all posts or comments containing the word “Google” will have several responses underneath evangelizing Firefox almost certainly will not, after it exceeds a point it very clearly routinely exceeds.

    Not because you guys are wrong, (you’re not), but because you’re annoying, which is almost as bad. There is something in psychology called reactance theory, and it’s the reason why, when you’re just about to do the dishes and then someone else tells you to do them, it’s suddenly the last thing on earth you want to do.

    It is a choice so small it isn’t worth arguing over, but it’s no longer your choice born out of your own free will, and now you feel cheated and resentful and you are not doing it, both out of spite and more truthfully to regain your sense of choice.

    This is the same reason everyone hates vegans so much. They’re not wrong. They’re annoying. Firefox has vegan PR.

    I held off listening to Hamilton for three years for no other reason than nobody else I met would shut the goddamn fuck up about Hamilton. Same with the TV version of Good Omens, whatever stupid cartoon jester thing has been in a third of the memes lately, and a hundred other things.

    I am very likely to switch over to Firefox myself in the ever-nearing future. That ice is breaking. But it will not be because a bunch of strangers whined at me over my own choices for over a decade. It will be because the cons of whatever Google, Windows, etc. have done finally outweigh the pros of not having to exert effort to maintain my experience.

    It bears consideration that in the meantime, Firefox users have a tendency not to even read the several duplicate comments before they start jacking off into them, not uncommonly in a way that’s loudly judgemental towards their own target audience.

    The resultant spam cements a mental association between Firefox, the brand and the feeling of being annoyed and insulted. Don’t be those vegans. If I had to think, be like the art community treats Adobe. Fuck Adobe, but I’m not just gonna overload someone with aggressive pompousity who’s only using the industry default.

  • It’s not her bowl. She just turned into a bitch.

    Ohhh man. This had me cackling. I mean, I feel bad for you, but it does speak to me in my soul.

    The one I have now won’t even eat off a plate unless it’s wet food, where I’m guessing she’s too excited to care about the peasant presentation.

    I found out about the whisker thing and handed her fresh kibble that way just to see, and she wouldn’t even touch it til I put it in her bowl for her.

    It HAS to be in a bowl and it HAS to be full to overflowing, and she’d better not see any goddamn silver or she’ll beat me with a coat hanger. And then the bottom goes stale because her whiskers.

  • They rarely eat pumpkin, calling it “squash”, and renaming squash to something else (summer squash or something?)

    Admittedly, I and probably 70% of other Americans were formerly unaware that pumpkins are a variety of squash, making this paragraph surprisingly difficult for me to even parse. So that was an interesting and kind of fun experience.

    If it helps, I have come to realize after thinking about it that I see any roundish variety, regardless of smoothness or color, as a pumpkin, regardless of its actual name. If it’s gourd-shaped (butternut/zucchini), it’s a squash.

    The flavor is seasonal and therefore novel, you’re right about that. But tbf, indian food uses squash in general, which seems to extend to white/orange pumpkins, and we definitely have Indian-Americans. Ditto Hispanic. It is eaten more often than the two holidays, just not by white people.

    For the useless naming difference, as always, any beef with America can more factually be blamed on the Europeans. Specifically, the French.

  • I know you’re trolling and indeed fuck the rest, but…buddhist monks? Pretty hard to have beef with. No pun intended.

    I guess you could make the case that encouraging indifference towards suffering breeds a whole different class of sociopathy, but even then, at least they’re the least destructive they can possibly be by just never touching anything.

  • “It wasn’t about slavery!”

    Texas’ articles of secession name slavery as a main cause twelve times. Georgia’s calls abolitionism “heresy” and Mississippi, bless them, referred to it with “a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization,” before going even further with such quotes as

    [The US government] refuses the admission of new slave States into the Union, and seeks to extinguish it by confining it within its present limits, denying the power of expansion.

    It tramples the original equality of the South under foot.

    Which I am only leaving here because somebody wrote that, meant it, and sent it off, and it is insane to read.

    Fortunately for Mississippi, their constituents can’t.

  • I’ve never seen one block only one community out of an entire instance, but it’s not surprising that they could. I’m assuming like an instance block, all accounts would be officially unable to so much as see new content from there, so no, it physically can’t repopulate.

    However, the admins will have to play whack-a-mole for a good while every time another one crops up and I’m getting the sense that unlike my fool’s errand of blocking every sports community, they stand to be sued out of existence if they fail.

    Maybe a bit rich coming from someone who doesn’t have to pick up and move, but it’s well-known to be an overloaded server anyway and after the initial Beehaw shock, the concept is really whatever to me as long as the fact that it’s blocked is widely known. Probably new users will always have that shock, but mostly what it accomplishes is to encourage people to spread out and keep alts if they have too much FOMO.

  • Yeahhh. Even if they reverted everything, brought back the apps, and released a scheduled weekly video of Spez crying as different mods whip him with a belt, I am not interested.

    Reddit can do whatever. I found an adequate replacement due to the protests, and I took it in direct response to Spez’s clockwork PR disasters, so the protests did not fail for me.

    Interesting read that should have gone without saying to anyone trying to manage a company, what trust thermoclines are and how to avoid them.

    Judging the worth of the protests depends on what your individual goal was. If it was convincing reddit admins not to cut and run with a giant pile of free money, now you know better. Nothing in the company’s history made me think they were the type, which is itself a warning sign.

    If it was reddit going down in flames, that’s always a slow burn and seems nigh unavoidable for any company as the years stretch on and management grows complacent, but they visibly did damage themselves because you’re reading this.

    And it was enough damage that several hundreds of thousands don’t really mind making their home at a competitor instead. It’s only going to get worse, not because they don’t already have millions of users who didn’t leave, but because they have a solid reputation for never listening to those millions.

    The protest was a death sentence because their proven problem solving method is to ignore the problems as they mount.

  • Can I not, though? With the proper software, I can add and alter video frames. This is still a bit limited now, but deepfakes are on the rise. I can already download someone else’s art and add in whatever I want.

    The only difference is whether or not the original creators/publishers approve of me doing that, not whether I’m able.

  • I’d believe it if I hadn’t already heard of Musk being the type to fire workers in his line of sight at pure random simply to fire someone. It apparently got so bad that aids would plan the route he would take to the meetings around having as few victims as possible out in the open.

    It would be a smart move for anyone, and he is succeeding to a good extent (they’ll just go elsewhere?), but I think that’s just a happy accident of his. I feel like he’s really just using it as a chew toy so he can feel all big and important with the headlines. If he were being journalistically gray rocked, I wonder what he’d do.

  • [Don’t assume consensus nor finished state]

    Often a proposal is just that - someone trying to solve a problem by proposing technical means to address it. Having a proposal sent out to public forums doesn’t necessarily imply that the sender’s employer is determined on pushing that proposal as is.

    It also doesn’t mean that the proposal is “done” and the proposal authors won’t appreciate constructive suggestions for improvement.

    [Be the signal, not the noise]

    In cases where controversial browser proposals (or lack of adoption for features folks want, which is a related, but different, subject), it’s not uncommon to see issues with dozens or even hundreds of comments from presumably well-intentioned folks, trying to influence the team working on the feature to change their minds.

    In the many years I’ve been working on the web platform, I’ve yet to see this work. Not even once.

    What is this, “Good vibes only?”

  • Nepenthe@kbin.socialtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldThis
    1 year ago

    Not to mention, as long as the post in question is in a relevant community, downvoting it out of annoyance feels weird to me. That is not what the buttons are for. I’ve seen several posts I didn’t personally like, but not wanting to see them doesn’t make them worthless to anyone else and all those are communities are for generalized topics.

    Guy just needs to get it into his head how far-reaching federation is and maybe go for a run or something

  • Idunno. I’m mildly annoyed with the crossposting spam, but not surprised at the behavior. The internet has lent itself incredibly well to tribalism ever since its widespread adoption, so there’s always going to be some amount of “New platform is my god, old platform suck roach testicles.” I just hope it does die down instead of being a running undercurrent here like Spez married into the kardashians.