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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • IDK why the hell it’s allowed, but a lot of times people will buy adspace and just put an entire video in it, or worse, a company buys the adspace and puts the entire pilot to a TV show in there. I’ve seen both things happen more than once. Who in their right mind clicks on a YouTube video, sees the pilot to a show they’ve never heard of or a random clickbait video and thinks “Oh, I wanna watch this!”

  • I’ve been wanting to switch to Linux but it just looks like one of those things I’d dive head-first into and have no idea what I’m doing, not to mention I have years of random shit on hard drives formatted for Windows.

    I’d love to do it, but it all just looks so overwhelming, maybe i’ll think about it more seriously if/when I ever replace my current laptop. What flavor do you recommend? I mainly use my computer for gaming but sometimes school too, plus id like it to be as windows-like as possible just so I don’t have to worry about a major shift in usability.

    Is there a way to convert windows content to linux-compatible files? Can I just save the files I want to a USB drive and move them? Nothing I wanna save is specifically windows, mostly game files and/or photos