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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I have at least a nodding acquaintance with that work and while I think it’s worth considering and talking about, I don’t find it to be at all the most convincing explanation for conservatism and am far more persuaded by conservatism as being motivated by a desire for the preservation of hierarchy that manifests itself through said psychological traits, but that is the ultimate prior that informs them. Otherwise we would expect to see liberalism and conservatism more evenly distributed throughout our population, as with other psychological traits, but we don’t, to the contrary, they are very geographically dependent.

    So while I don’t think that psychology has nothing to say about the issue, I definitely don’t think that its the most important factor.

  • Scarcely. Read the majority opinion. It specifically carves out an exception for “creative works” (or whatever the exact term is, I honestly don’t remember) which in effect says that you cannot be forced by law to create something that espouses a position or creed with which you disagree.

    As of right now I don’t have a strong opinion on the ruling either way, but I think it’s worth getting what it says right before we condemn it.

    I lean towards thinking that it makes distinctions with which I agree, but I’m going to withhold judgement until I learn more about the arguments and we have a better sense of how it’s going to play out in practice.