Could you explain the relevance? I asked why people don’t carry a tool for a problem they are bitching about. Phones have nothing to do with a tethered cap.
Could you explain the relevance? I asked why people don’t carry a tool for a problem they are bitching about. Phones have nothing to do with a tethered cap.
How did you get to guns when I asked about pocket knives?
No, but it’s a good tool that works in the situation.
Do people not carry pocket knives anymore? This seems like a non problem to me. I can cut this off in a second or two.
Edit: to the downvoters: could you explain why my question is so bad.
To make it seem like legitimate. “These other doctors in other countries are speaking out about it, while the establishment in this country is suppressing the “truth””
Depends on whether you frame it in a way that appeals to them.
The Bavarian Illuminati?
Did they just photocopy a flyer that was photocopied by someone else? Because this looks like it was about 15 steps from the original printing. Also, why hand these out now?
In my area, it through the recycling. Beer bottles have always been worth $0.05, so its worth it to return them to a depot. They also get sorted out if you leave them on the curb or takenby someone who wants the bottle deposit.
Well, glass bottles can be washed and reused. The beer industry does this as standard practice.
Glass and aluminum are easier to recycle. Actually recycling these two materials are an order of magnitude easier and cheaper than new material.
Plastic can be recycled, but has a faster degradation rate and the infrastructure isn’t present on the scale of glass and aluminum.
It’s shit like this that makes me realise carrying a knife hasn’t lost its utility.
And there you are dismissing the problem because it isn’t as prevalent for one group.
Do better for your fellow abuse survivors.
You would get a “wash your hands” from me.
Please tell me where in the above comment I was agitated.
Seems to have started a conversation…
So why isn’t domestic abuse listed at all for when it’s the woman yelling?
Beacuse they are wasting water? That doesn’t happen where I live.
Holy shit, I know this comment is likely to be modded away, but fuck you are delusional and making shit up and ignoring context.
At NO POINT was it implied that the person didn’t have exposure or instruction.
Go sit in a fucking corner and think about what you have fucking said.
The same way I would teach an apprentice. Telling them what they got right, what they got wrong and how it was wrong, and then how to improve for a better result.
What fucking dysfunctional system are you from that shouting is your go to?
Not American, and a pocket knife makes a terrible weapon. There are legitimate everyday uses for pocket knives. You watch too many movies.