I think the point of that one is that millennials post to their friends, not to their stories.
I think the point of that one is that millennials post to their friends, not to their stories.
You’re still on cooldown for some words it seems.
Looks like you also ran over your sentence budget.
Yes but I’ve never found it to be that annoying.
That’s what’s so great about go. It’s doesn’t take a large investment to learn it.
The comments here are everything I hoped for.
There’s nothing a user is going to be able to do if this is a problem with the backend. The person I replied to did specify backend, right?
Would they surface that to the user anyway? That’s something to log, not to tell the client that xyz service failed because of error 123.
What distro are you using?
Did you follow any guides for getting all of your games running?
Yall aren’t being told to write your own tickets?
And is it touchscreen?
I heard it’s one of the better ways to support YouTube creators. That’s why I got it.
I have adblockers and a pihole so ads weren’t that bad anyway.
YouTube premium is probably the video streaming purchase I get the most use out of lol.
I am.