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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • You’re misunderstanding my use of the phrase.

    I’m using it in the context or immersing in something you have no understanding of. I just dove right into and skipped most of the intro type stuff.

    You’re using the phrase to talk about relative complexity / difficulty not how I’ve usually heard it used but it makes sense.

    Like. Most people learning python start with hello world. I spent too many hours learning to own hot encode a 500gb dataset of reddit porn and tweak stylegan 3 a bit to train it on porn. None of which is remarkable objectively but there were a lot of very basic things I needed to learn to finish the task. That’s what I mean by jumping in the deep end - throwing yourself into something you are probably poorly or il equipped for and just figuring it out as you go.

    There is a deep end of coding complexity of course, but, different kind of deep end.

  • About a year with varying levels of commitment and intensity.

    I kind of just threw myself into the deep end. Which was a rewarding but frustrating experience. My first project was one hot encoding 400gb of reddit porn to try and teach stylegan3 how to make porn. And then turning the function on in stylegan3. And then there was validating the images and ditching the ones that erroted. Resizing the whole datasets. Using ffmpeg to extract stills from the gifs and mp3s

    I found stable diffusion existed like 5 days into actually training it which was bitter sweet. I mean. No way it would have produced actual porn but I was really looking forward to the horror.

    I taught myself as I went along which is a great way to learn but it’s super disheartening when I see the math that’s second nature to anyone whose studied this stuff academically… I don’t like math. In fact I hate it, and no matter how skilled (or not) a coder I become I’ll never learn calculus sometimes makes it all feel like a fools errand.

  • I couldn’t imagine signing into YouTube. Or really watching YouTube for any extended period

    For me it’s exclusively something I sit through while infuriatsd that I’m having to watch a fucking video instead of reading a writeup on it.

    Seriously. Do you people actually enjoy having to hit the fucking pause button and clicking back 9000 times? What the fuck.

  • Search is broken. It’s been getting worse year over year and Google / Bing and all the various offshoots that are JUST GOOGLE AND BING (this isn’t a fucking secret, people. You can slap whatever algo you want over Google / bing and it’s still fucking Google and bing. And a jolly go duck duck fucK yourself to the lot of them).

    I pay $10/month for kagi. Its worth it.