26 years old, USA

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • My initial position was that AI art would be exciting when a more carefully curated training data is used. … But after some talking with friends, I think we’re living in a world that has minimal respect for copyright already, except when a corporation has a problem with it and wants to bring down the hammer of the law.

    It does hurt and its easy to be emotional about artists’ livelihoods being threatened by AI, they aren’t the only laborers threatened by job loss to automation, but this one hurts the most.

    So now its just up to AI and artists to make interesting art with it. And for artists to adapt to this environment that has automated art tools.

  • All I know about Bluesky is what’s in the name. When you look at the Fediverse tree, every branch, leaves, and roots are labelled. But the sky isnt. Bluesky. I believe the intent is to be bigger and far more important than the Fediverse, smother it rather than let it grow. Jack is a businessman, after all. He really liked having a hugely important platform in Twitter and how much political power it was beginning to have.

  • Most of the creators I liked are on Twitch now or have quit. A very small amount made the pivot to Patreon. Nebula creators are often very successful youtubers who are smart enough to make a new business, though some are academics who don’t do so well on youtube. I use youtube music too! And pay for it… And I’m invested, I want alternatives. I was about ready to download all of my YouTube music stuff and go hop onto band camp, despite that it would be many times more expensive. I just wanna be treated right.

  • I have literally seen 2 creators ever bring up youtube red, saying that yes subscribers do make up a more significant percentage of their revenue and did help a little bit when videos got demonetized. Every creator is saying some sort of the “I don’t want all my eggs in one basket, I can’t trust these platforms” argument.